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年度 2014 建立硬質玉米種子籌供體系 Establishment of hybrid corn production and supplying system 103農科-9.2.2-種-X1 103AS -9.2.2-SS-X1 農場 Research Farm 陳學文 Hsueh-Wen Chen 計畫於台中市新社地區,以台農1號及台南24號玉米兩品種,進行秋季栽培,並以不同去雄方式及保留穗上節位數處理,調查對環境適應性、生育特性及產量之影響,以作未來量產模式之參考。尋找參試品種新採種栽培及調整採種適期以適應氣候變遷,建立量產模式,穩定生產種子,以配合政府政策,生產所需種子。搜集國際商用飼料玉米品種,評估各品種於台灣之適應性,建立適宜台灣種植之國際飼料玉米品種資料庫,期能提供農民多樣選擇並穩定飼料玉米種子供應。調查及紀錄調製過程中,外界氣候條件對穗倉中倉溫及相對濕度之影響,以及利用不同乾燥處理方式探討對玉米種子水分變化、種子發芽率、發芽勢等之影響,期能達最佳能源利用效率及品質兼顧。 We conducted different planting dates for Tainan no.24 parents in Taichung area for autumn corp. To discuss the influence for number of leaves on the ear of corn after detasseling on seed production of c o r n . I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f a d a p t a b i l i t y t o e n v i r o n m e n t a n d g r o w t h characteristics and yield
計畫名稱_中文 as reference for future production models.This year we introduced three new varieties including S11
計畫名稱_英文 S12
計畫編號_中文 and 102.According to the first-year observation
計畫編號_英文 the heading stage of S11 is similar to Tainan No.24 and TNG1
主辦單位_中文 and has the best yield performance in the spring.S11 is evaluated to be a early maturing commercial variety but further observation are needed.This research investigated the effects of climate conditions on the temperature and the relative humidity in storehouses of corncobs
主辦單位_英文 and used different drying methods to discuss the influence on the variation of corn seed moisture content
主辦人_中文 germination rate and viability. The object of the research was to achieve both the best energy-using efficiency and the seed quality in storage. The data from the experiment showed that temperature in storehouses of corncobs was mainly affected by the moisture content of corncobs at earlier stage of drying process
主辦人_英文 but varied with the atmosphere temperature at middle and later stage. On the other hand
中文摘要 the effect of environments on the temperature in storehouses of corn seeds was unapparent
英文摘要 because the drying time in storehouses of seeds was short