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年度 2013 健康種苗生產供應與健康管理體系之建立 Establishment of health seedlings production and health management system 102農科-14.2.2-種-X1 102AS -14.2.2-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 一般認為芽菜為無土栽培之清潔蔬菜,但由於芽菜為時間與空間高密集周轉生產,故生產過程為抑菌、殺菌、促進下胚軸肥胖及抑制過多主根及鬚根生長,往往添加植物生長調節劑、漂白劑等,以致目前仍無相關符合生產履歷措施之作業與產品。本計畫調查台灣地區傳統市場、超級市場或量販店銷售之綠豆芽或黃豆芽,結果仍有二氧化硫、6-BA或2
計畫名稱_中文 4-D等添加物質之檢出。本計畫調查市售綠豆真菌汙染率為42% ,細菌汙染率為24%,以 70℃熱處理 30分鐘即可有效將綠豆種子的真菌汙染率下降至為25% ,細菌汙染率為5% ,並且不會影響種子之發芽率。後續配合業界將自有技術如芽菜加壓生產栽培箱,芽菜根部截切機械原型,建立無施用藥劑之芽菜安全生產流程,成功輔導1家豆芽生產安全無用藥廠商。完成馬鈴薯主要產區瘡痂病調查,食用薯調查結果顯示,使用通過驗證種薯田區瘡痂病發生情況減輕約55%,顯示使用健康種薯有助於降低瘡痂病害之威脅。另以非農藥防治管理栽培生產馬鈴薯種薯,種薯產量與品質與傳統栽培無差異,可減少化學藥劑使用之風險,栽培時建議將30-10-10肥料稀釋1000倍使用,以確保種薯產量與品質。本次蒐集之7個豇豆品種實生苗經ELISA病毒篩選,復於隔離網室栽培後,各品種間種子產量上似乎存有明顯差異。選擇萎凋病發生嚴重的產地田區進行嫁接苗耐病性測試,以直播苗為對照組,在田區第四次連作時,直播苗全數萎凋死亡,存活率0%,嫁接苗部分則仍有80%的存活率,產量部分,直播苗全數萎凋死亡,產量0%,嫁接苗部分則仍有665公斤/0.1ha的收成,顯示耐病根砧可以提高田間存活率並穩定產量。 This project investigated green bean or soybean sprouts bought fromtraditional market or supermarkets in Taiwan. Some added substances such as sulfur dioxide
計畫名稱_英文 6-BA or 2
計畫編號_中文 4-D were detected. We also found out the rate of fungal and bacterial contamination of commercially available green bean seeds were 42% and 24% respectively. After 30 minutes heat treatment at 70℃
計畫編號_英文 the contaminated seeds changed into clean effectively and did not affect the germination. We established a safe sprouts production processes by growth enviroment control and sprouts cultivated pressurized containers and sprouts rootscutting machine. This project advised a professional grower to produce safe sprouts without chemical or plant growth regulator. According to our survey at major potato production areas in Taiwan
主辦單位_中文 common scab disease was decreased 55% by using certified seed potato. It shows that using healthy seed potato can avoid the risk of common scab disease. Compared non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management with traditional management
主辦單位_英文 the yield and quality of seed potato were no significant difference. The result shows that we can reduce the risk of using chemistry by non-pesticidal and non-fungicidial management. And we also recommend using 1000x the period of cultivation to get better seed potato.The results of preliminary experience show that the virus-free seedlings of 7 Asparagus been varieties planting in net house
主辦人_中文 there seemed significant differences in seed yield.sparagus bean (yard-long bean) varieties and one fusarium-resistant stock were tested in the study to evaluate the resistance of fusarium wilt in the field.The results showed of plant survival rate of seed seedlings and grafted asparagus bean planted in production field at 4th continuous cropping were 0% and 82%
主辦人_英文 respectively. The yield were 0 kg and 655 kg/ 0.1 ha
中文摘要 respectively.