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年度 2011 種子檢查技術研習 Study on seed testing technology 100農科-4.1.1-種-X2 100AS-4.1.1-SS-X2 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 今年度共有2員分別參加國際種子檢查協會(International Seed Testing Association,ISTA)研討會,其中一員參加品保制度研習於100年8月8~12日在印度 邦加羅爾舉辦,由Indo-American hybrid Seeds(India)種子公司承辦。研習由主席 Rasha El-Khadem博士主持,並與Ronald Don博士共同擔任本次研習講師。本次5日的研習包含品保制度簡介-顧客抱怨等25項課程及8月9日至編號IN07之ISTA認證實驗室進行實際操作,課程中並進行超過10次的小組討論與報告。另一員參加種子純度研習於9月27~29日於加拿大薩斯卡通(Saskatoon)舉行,由加拿大食品檢驗局(Canadian Food Inspection Agency,CFIA)承辦。研習內容包含: ISTA的目標、組織架構、檢查規則介紹; 「純潔種子定義( Pure Seed Definition
計畫名稱_中文 PSD) 」探討;風選程序(Uniform Blowing Procedure)的使用、規範與校正;常見「其他種子(Other Seeds)」的鑑定與實習;純度分析相關植物學、品保制度及國際檢驗證核發之介紹等。研習結束後,參觀薩斯卡通CFIA種子實驗室的種子發芽與純度分析等業務,及前往渥太華拜訪CFIA植物病理實驗室的ISTA種子健康檢查與植物病害檢疫業務。 In this year
計畫名稱_英文 two persons of TSS participated in different ISTA workshops individually. One attended the 2011 workshop on quality assurance in India which Indo-American hybrid Seeds(India) company held at Bangalore during August 8 to 12. The workshop was began by the Chairman of Dr.Rasha El-Khadem
計畫編號_中文 and co-chaired with Dr. Ronald Don lecturer in this study. The five-day study contained Introduction to quality assurance system - customer complaints and other 25 courses
計畫編號_英文 and more than 10 panel discussions and reports were include. At August 9
主辦單位_中文 all of the Study participants went to No.IN07 of the ISTA laboratory for experimental operation and quality assurance exercises.The other attended the 2011 workshop on seed purity in Canada was held by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) at Saskatoon during September 27th-29th. The content of this workshop was including the introduction of ISTA and seed testing rules
主辦單位_英文 pure seed definition (PSD)
主辦人_中文 botany about seed purity analysis
主辦人_英文 uniform blowing procedure
中文摘要 calibration
英文摘要 identification of other seeds