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年度 2011 優質植物種苗量產體系建立 Establishment of production system ofhigh quality seedlings 100農科-4.2.3-種-X3 100AS-4.2.3-SS-X3 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 林上湖 Shang-Hu Lin 於3月、6月、9月擷取燈秤花、苦藍盤頂芽及次節位之插穗,分別處理不同濃度IBA進行扦插試驗。苦藍盤之扦插較燈秤花易發根,且頂芽插穗有較佳之發根率,春(3月)、夏(6月)二季扦插發根率較秋季(9月)佳。燈秤花則以秋季扦插發根率較佳,不論插穗節位,皆具有較佳的發根率,但需要較長的發根時間。台灣欒樹與光臘樹種子發芽試驗中不論是泡水一天處理或亦直接播種者,在介質處理上,泥炭土與田土兩者在發芽率上並無差異。台灣欒樹種子發芽後128格穴盤苗在不同介質生育比較上,在泥炭土處理組之株高上比田土較高且有明顯的差異。台灣欒樹不論是24格穴盤苗亦或4.5吋膠袋苗,以泥炭土為介質者,各項生長表現亦優於田土。台灣欒樹4.5吋盆苗及24格穴盤苗移植至6吋塑膠盆後,以泥炭土為介質者不論在株高、葉片數、植株莖徑、大於10cm主根長數量及根重均比以田土為介質者表現較佳。在光臘樹部份,128格穴盤苗階段不同介質間,株高表現無顯著差異,但在葉片數上,田土高於泥炭土。在24格穴盤苗亦或4.5吋膠袋苗階段,則以田土為介質者,各項生長表現優於泥炭土。光蠟樹4.5吋膠袋苗與24格穴盤苗,移植至6吋塑膠盆後,以田土為介質者不管在株高、葉片數、植株莖徑、大於10cm主根長數量及根重上,均比泥炭土為介質者佳且有明顯差異。不同繼代次數馬鈴薯-克尼伯品種組織培養苗間植株生長及薯球產量在二代之間差異並不明顯。惟四代之間因種植時間受到不同環境因子之影響,薯球產量差異明顯。此外本試驗收集19個盆菊品種,檢測得知以Chrysanthemum virus B為菊花主要之病毒種類,約佔25%之危害率,無病毒株進行隔離並養成採穗株,於38/28℃之高溫處理比25/18℃影響植株葉片大小及節間長度,亦影響取穗品質。菊花施用必達肥30-10-10 可得較多的花朵數,以20-20-20及15-10-30比例可得較多的插穗數目。 The cuttings of shoot positions (Apical
計畫名稱_中文 sub-apical) of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. and Ficus formosana Maxim.that were taken cuttings and IBA treatment in March
計畫名稱_英文 June and September. The result showed that the rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. were easier than Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb.The rooting rates of Apical shoot portions were easierthan sub-apical shoots of regardless of cutting collection season
計畫編號_中文 cutting position and IBA concentrations
計畫編號_英文 The rooting rates of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. were high in September. But the higher rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. need more time.In germination test of Taiwan goldenrain tree and Light sacrificial tree seeds
主辦單位_中文 the results of germination rates demonstrated that there was no significant difference between seeds accepted water soaking for one day and those with no soaking treatment whether seeding in soil or in peat moss mix. The averaged plant height of Taiwan goldenrain tree seedlings which germinated in 128-cell plug with peatmoss mix was significantlyhigher than the result with soil medium. The performance of Taiwan goldenrain tree seedlings grown in 24-cell plug with peat moss mix was better than those with soil medium. It was also the same in the result of seedlings grown in 4.5-inch plastic bags. After transplanting to 6-inch pots from 4.5-inch pots or 24-cell plug
主辦單位_英文 the performance of plantheight
主辦人_中文 leaf number
主辦人_英文 stem diameter
中文摘要 the number of roots longer than 10 cm and root weight of plants grown in peat moss mix was better than those in soil medium. In the stage of 128-cell plug seedlings
英文摘要 the leaf number of Light sacrificial tree seedlings grown in soil medium was more than those in peat moss mix. The averaged plant heights of both treatments were not significantly different. In the stage of 24-cell plug or 4.5-inch plastic bag seedlings