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燈號 綠燈
標題名稱 美國農業部食品安全檢查署(FSIS)發布Taylor Farms Maryland及Taylor Farms Texas公司回收疑遭李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes)汙染之含醬青花菜沙拉產品(Broccoli Salad Kits),問題產品無向本署申請輸入查驗紀錄。
內容 <ol> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">美國農業部食品安全檢查署</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">(FSIS)</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">於</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">102</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">年</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">10</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">月</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">29</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">日</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">發布</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Taylor Farms Maryland</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">及</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Taylor Farms Texas</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">公司回收疑遭李斯特氏菌</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">(Listeria monocytogenes)</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">汙染之含醬青花菜沙拉產品</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">(Broccoli Salad Kits)</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">。</span> </li> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">問題產品約</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">22,849</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">磅,銷往馬里蘭州,馬薩諸塞州,新澤西州,紐約州,賓夕法尼亞州,得克薩斯州和弗吉尼亞州等地之通路商及雜貨店,詳細資訊如下</span> : <table style="margin: auto auto auto 33.85pt; border: currentcolor; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" style="padding: 0cm 5.4pt; border: 1pt solid windowtext; width: 66.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><b><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">規格</span></b><b> </b></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 148.85pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><b><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">盒上標示</span></b><b> </b></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 63.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><b><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">箱號</span></b><b> </b></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 92.15pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><b><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">有效日期</span></b><b> </b></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 66.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">6.06</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">磅</span> </p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 148.85pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">TAYLOR FARMS BROCCOLI CRUNCH WITH BACON AND DRESSING</span></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 63.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">310151</span></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 92.15pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Oct. 14 &ndash; </span></p> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Oct. 24, 2013</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 66.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">12.13</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">磅</span> </p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 148.85pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">TAYLOR FARMS BROCCOLI CRUNCH WITH BACON AND DRESSING</span></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 63.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">310153</span></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 92.15pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Oct. 14 &ndash; </span></p> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Oct. 24, 2013</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 66.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">6.33</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">磅</span> </p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 148.85pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Kit, Broc PPC</span></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 63.8pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">5900067</span></p> </td> <td valign="top" style="border-width: 0px 1pt 1pt 0px; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) windowtext windowtext rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0cm 5.4pt; width: 92.15pt; background-color: transparent;"> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Oct. 15 &ndash; </span></p> <p style="line-height: 150%; layout-grid-mode: char;"><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;">Oct. 20, 2013</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </li> <li><span style="font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ascii-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-ansi-language: en-us; mso-fareast-language: zh-tw; mso-bidi-language: ar-sa;">經查問題產品無向本署申請輸入查驗紀錄,本案經評估列屬綠燈。</span></li></ol>;;<ol> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">食品藥物管理</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">署</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">呼籲民眾如自</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">美國</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">攜帶或網路購得上揭產品,應先暫停食用;並提醒民眾如赴</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">該地</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">旅遊,應注意相關回收警訊,</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">避免購買及食用問題食品。</span> </li> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">一旦感染李斯特菌症,每個人出現的症狀可能會因年齡、性別和抵抗力強弱等而有所不同,一般會在攝食汙染此菌之食物後約</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-size: 14pt;">12</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">小時內,出現類似感冒或腸胃不適等症狀。食品藥物管理局建議消費者保持個人及食物衛生,避免進食高風險的食物及飲品,生的肉類應該與蔬菜、熟食和即食食物分開存放。避免進食存放在冰箱超過</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-size: 14pt;">1</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">天的即食食物。在處理完未經煮熟的食物後,要將手、刀和砧板洗乾淨。孕婦與免疫能力低的人應避免飲用未經消毒的牛奶、進食軟乾酪或未經煮熟的蔬菜,並應徹底煮熟食物才進食。</span><span style="font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;"></span></li> <li><span style="font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">詳細資料可參考食品藥物管理署食品中毒專區,連結</span><span style="font-family: times new roman,serif; font-size: 14pt;"><a href=""></a></span><span style="font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">。</span></li></ol>;;<ol> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">案內產品現查</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">無向本署申請輸入查驗紀錄</span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">,業者應避免輸入原廠回收產品。</span></li> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;"></span><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">若有輸入類似或疑似回收警訊產品或相關產品,應立即向外國原廠或出口廠商查證,並依自主管理原則,主動暫停已進口之疑似回收產品販售。</span></li> <li><span style="line-height: 150%; font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;"></span><span style="font-family: 標楷體; font-size: 14pt;">若獲原廠通知已進口之產品為需回收產品,應立即主動下架回收,通知消費者退換貨,並通知公司所在地衛生局與本署。</span></li></ol>
更新日期 2013-11-08