
許可證字號 主或次項 代碼 英文分類名稱 中文分類名稱
1151595 衛署藥輸字第018633號 12209200 Autonomic drugs/Skeletal muscle relaxants/Skeletal muscle relaxants, miscellaneous Skeletal muscle relaxants, miscellaneous
1151596 衛署藥輸字第018638號 86120000 Smooth muscle relaxants/Genitourinary smooth muscle relaxants 泌尿道平滑肌鬆弛劑
1151597 衛署藥輸字第018641號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
1151598 衛署藥輸字第018642號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
1151599 衛署藥輸字第018642號 92920000 Miscellaneous therapeutic agents/Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS included Other miscellaneous therapeutic agents (AHFS in
1151600 衛署藥輸字第018646號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
1151601 衛署藥輸字第018646號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
1151602 衛署藥輸字第018646號 52040400 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-infectives/Antibacterials 抗生素類
1151603 衛署藥輸字第018652號 52920000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/EENT drugs, miscellaneous 其他眼耳鼻喉製劑
1151604 衛署藥輸字第018654號 52080800 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-inflammatory agents/Corticosteroids 類固醇
1151605 衛署藥輸字第018655號 52240000 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Mydriatics 散瞳劑
1151606 衛署藥製字第044187號 28360800 Central nervous system agents/Antiparkinsonian agents/Anticholinergic agents Anticholinergic agents
1151607 衛署藥製字第044188號 56000000
1151608 衛署藥製字第044188號 56040000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antacids and adsorbents 制酸劑及吸附劑
1151609 衛署藥製字第044188號 56100000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Antiflatulents 抗脹氣劑
1151610 衛署藥製字第044189號 52040400 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-infectives/Antibacterials 抗生素類
1151611 衛署藥製字第044190號 08122400 Anti-infective agents/Antibiotics/Tetracyclines 抗生素-四環素類
1151612 衛署藥製字第044191號 56080000 Antidiarrhea agents 止瀉劑
1151613 衛署藥製字第044192號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
1151614 衛署藥製字第044193號 28249200 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮,鎮靜及安眠劑
1151615 衛署藥製字第044193號 28249200 Central nervous system agents/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics/Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, miscellaneous 其他抗焦慮,鎮靜及安眠劑
1151616 衛署藥製字第044194號 28160428 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Tricyclics and other norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors 三環類與其他正腎上腺素回收抑制劑
1151617 衛署藥製字第044194號 28160428 Central nervous system agents/Psychotherapeutic agents/Antidepressants/Tricyclics and other norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors 三環類與其他正腎上腺素回收抑制劑
1151618 衛署藥製字第044195號 40280800 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Diuretics/Loop diuretics 亨利氏攀利尿劑
1151619 衛署藥製字第044195號 40280800 Electrolytic, caloric, and water balance/Diuretics/Loop diuretics 亨利氏攀利尿劑
1151620 衛署藥製字第044196號 24129200 Cardiovascular drugs/Vasodilating agents/Vasodilating agents, miscellaneous 其他血管擴張劑
1151621 衛署藥製字第044197號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
1151622 衛署藥製字第044198號 48000000
1151623 衛署藥製字第044198號 48160000 Respiratory tract agents/Expectorants 袪痰劑
1151624 衛署藥製字第044198號 04040000 Antihistamine drugs/First generation antihistamines 第一代抗組織胺劑
1151625 衛署藥製字第044198號 12120400 Autonomic drugs/Sympathomimetic or adrenergic agents/α-Adrenergic agonists 甲型交感神經致效劑
1151626 衛署藥製字第044198號 48080000 Respiratory tract agents/Antitussives 鎮咳劑
1151627 衛署藥製字第044199號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
1151628 衛署藥製字第044200號 28920000 Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
1151629 衛署藥製字第044201號 28920000 Central nervous system agents/Central nervous system agents, miscellaneous 其他中樞神經系統藥物
1151630 衛署藥製字第044202號 68080000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Androgens 男性激素
1151631 衛署藥製字第044203號 68320000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Progestins 黃體脂酮類
1151632 衛署藥製字第044203號 68160400 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Estrogens and antiestrogens 女性激素
1151633 衛署藥製字第044203號 68320000 Hormones and synthetic substitutes/Progestins 黃體脂酮類
1151634 衛署藥製字第044205號 84920000 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Mucous membrane agents, miscellaneous 其他皮膚及黏膜用藥
1151635 衛署藥製字第044206號 88000000
1151636 衛署藥製字第044206號 88080000 Vitamins/Vitamin B complex 維生素B群
1151637 衛署藥製字第044206號 88120000 Vitamins/Vitamin C 維生素C
1151638 衛署藥製字第044207號 84040804 Skin and mucous membrane agents/Anti-infectives/Antifungals/Allylamines Allylamines
1151639 衛署藥製字第044208號 52040400 Eye, ear, nose, and throat preparations/Anti-infectives/Antibacterials 抗生素類
1151640 衛署藥製字第044209號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
1151641 衛署藥製字第044209號 12080800 Autonomic drugs/Anticholinergic agents/Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑
1151642 衛署藥製字第044210號 28080492 Central nervous system agents/Analgesics and antipyretics/Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 其他非類固醇類抗發炎劑
1151643 衛署藥製字第044211號 56120000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cathartics and laxatives 瀉劑及緩瀉劑
1151644 衛署藥製字第044212號 56140000 Gastrointestinal drugs/Cholelitholytic agents 膽石溶解藥物
總共 65215 筆,顯示第 56901 到第 56950 筆