
英文名稱 中文名稱
56981104 constrictor vestibuli muscle 前庭縮肌
56981105 contact insecticide 接觸殺蟲劑;觸殺劑
56981106 contagion 接觸傳染
56981107 contagious disease 接觸性傳染病
56981108 contig 片段重疊群
56981109 continent drift 大陸漂移說
56981110 continental drift 大陸漂移說
56981111 continental islands 大陸性島嶼
56981112 continental shelf 大陸棚
56981113 continental slope 大陸斜坡
56981114 continuity of the germplasm 種質連續;生殖質連續
56981115 continuous back cross 連續反交
56981116 continuous fever 稽留熱
56981117 continuous fiber 連續絲
56981118 continuous phase 連續相
56981119 continuous selection 連續選擇
56981120 continuous variation 連續變異
56981121 continuously varying trait 連續變異性狀
56981122 contour feather; penna 【羽+是】;正羽
56981123 contraception 避孕
56981124 contracted kidney 萎縮腎
56981125 contractile vacuole 伸縮泡
56981126 contractility 收縮性
56981127 contraction 收縮;攣縮
56981128 contraction; isotonic 等張收縮
56981129 contraction; muscular 肌肉收縮
56981130 contraction; reflex 反射收縮
56981131 contraction; rhythmic 節律收縮
56981132 contrast agent 對比劑
56981133 contrasting characters 相對性質
56981134 control; experimental 實驗對照
56981135 controlled experiment 對照實驗
56981136 controlling elements 控制因子
56981137 conus 圓錐;視錐
56981138 conus arteriosus 動脈圓錐
56981139 conus cordis 心圓錐
56981140 convalescence 恢復期
56981141 convalescent 恢復;療養
56981142 convalescent home 療養院
56981143 convalescent stage sera 恢復期血清
56981144 convection 對流
56981145 conventional unit 傳統的單位
56981146 convergence 趨同(作用)
56981147 convergent 趨同
56981148 convergent adaptation 趨同適應
56981149 convergent community 趨同群集
56981150 convergent evolution 趨同演化
56981151 convergent homeomorpha 趨同同型
56981152 conversion of energy 能力轉換
56981153 conversion ratio 轉換率
總共 29589 筆,顯示第 5801 到第 5850 筆