
英文名稱 中文名稱
56987054 horizontal skeletogenous septum; horizontal septum 水平隔肌;骨質隔肌
56987055 hormone 激素;荷爾蒙
56987056 hormone pulse generator 性釋素脈生器
56987057 hormone-mediated enzyme induction 激素?誘導(發)
56987058 hormone-sensitive lipase 激素敏感(性)脂?
56987059 hormonegen 激素原
56987060 hormonegenesis; hormonopoiesis 激素形成
56987061 horn core 角軸
56987062 horn of uterus; cornus uteri 子宮角
56987063 horn-like process 角狀突起
56987064 Hornbill 犀鳥
56987065 horned lizard 角蜥
56987066 Horned Viper; Cerastes cerastes 角?
56987067 horny layer 角質層
56987068 horny pharyngeal teeth 角質咽齒
56987069 horny plate 角質板
56987070 horny scale 角質鱗
56987071 horny sheath 角質鞘
56987072 horseflies 牛虻
56987073 horsehair worms 鐵線蟲
56987074 horseshoe bat 蹄鼻蝠
56987075 horseshoe bats 蹄鼻蝙蝠
56987076 horseshoe crabs 鱟類
56987077 horseshoe kidney 馬蹄形腎臟
56987078 Horsfield's Ground Thrush 小虎斑地鶇
56987079 horticulture 園藝學
56987080 host 寄主;宿主
56987081 host and parasites 宿主及寄生蟲
56987082 host resistance 寄主抵抗性
56987083 hot flushes 熱潮紅
56987084 hourglass stomach 葫蘆胃
56987085 house fly 家蠅
56987086 House Martin 毛腳燕
56987087 house rat 家鼠
56987088 House Swift 小雨燕
56987089 household entomology 家居昆蟲學
56987090 howling monkey 喉猴
56987091 Hp GRF 人類生長荷爾蒙釋放因子
56987092 Hsueshan Grass Lizard; Takydromus hsuehshanesis 雪山草蜥
56987093 huchen 哲羅鮭
56987094 Huechys sanguinea (de Geer) 齒黑蟬
56987095 human behavior 人類行為
56987096 human chorionic gonadotropin 人絨毛膜促性腺激素
56987097 human chorionic somato-mammotropin 人絨膜體乳促素
56987098 human evolution 人類演化(進化)
56987099 human growth hormone 人類生長激素
56987100 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 人類免疫缺乏病毒
56987101 human leukocyte antigen (HLA) 人白血球抗原
56987102 human menopause gonadotropin (HMG) 人停經性促素
56987103 human population 人口
總共 29589 筆,顯示第 11751 到第 11800 筆