
英文名稱 中文名稱
56989304 Lavia 非洲黃翼蝠(屬)
56989305 Lavia frons 非洲黃翼蝠
56989306 law of acceleration 加速生長律
56989307 law of ancestral inheritance 祖性遺傳律
56989308 law of conservation of energy 能量不滅定律
56989309 law of conservation of mass 質量不滅定律
56989310 law of dominance 顯性律
56989311 law of filial regression 趨中律
56989312 law of independent assortment 自由配合律
56989313 law of segregation 分離律
56989314 laxative 通便的;輕瀉藥
56989315 lay 產卵
56989316 layer of first neurons 第一神經元層
56989317 layer of rods and cones 桿狀錐狀細胞層
56989318 layer of second neurons 第二神經元層
56989319 layer of third neurons 第三神經元層
56989320 LD-50 (MLD) 中數致死藥量(農藥)
56989321 LD-95 95%致死率
56989322 leaf miner 潛葉蟲
56989323 leaf-mimicking fish 擬葉魚
56989324 leaf-nosed bats 葉鼻蝠科
56989325 leaffishes 樹葉魚類
56989326 leaky gene 次等位基因
56989327 leaping organ 跳躍器
56989328 learned behavior 習得行為
56989329 leather jackets 皮杰克魚類
56989330 Leatherback Turtle; Dermochelys coriacea 革龜
56989331 leathery back 革龜
56989332 leathery Crag Lizard; Crag Lizard; Cape CragLizard; Pseudocordylus microlepidotus 峭壁環尾蜥
56989333 leathery turtle 革龜
56989334 LEBIASINIDAE ?齒鯉科
56989335 Lebonichthys 勒榜北棱魚(屬)(化石)
56989337 LECHRIODONTA 橫齒類
56989338 lecithin; lecithine 卵磷脂
56989339 lecithinase 卵磷脂?
56989340 leeth 蛭;螞蝗
56989341 left anterior coelom 左前體腔;左前腔
56989342 left aortic arch 左大動脈弧
56989343 left auricle 左心耳;左心房
56989344 left coelomic sac 左體腔囊;左腔囊
56989345 left handedness 左利;左撇子
56989346 left inominate 左無名靜脈
56989347 left posterior coelom 左後體腔;左後腔
56989348 left ventricle 左心室
56989349 leg germ; appendage bud; limb bud; leg bud 肢芽
56989350 leg muscle 腳肌
56989351 legal control 法規防治
56989352 legal medicine 法醫學
56989353 legitimate copulation 正常接合
總共 29589 筆,顯示第 14001 到第 14050 筆