
英文名稱 中文名稱
58126962 Generalized soil map 土壤概圖
58126963 Genesis,soil 土壤化育
58126964 Genetic factor 化育因數
58126965 Genetic soil type 化育性土類
58126966 Genetic system of soil classification 土壤化育分類法
58126967 Genetical horizon,soil 土壤化育層
58126968 Geographical clasSification of 8oils 土壤地理分類
58126969 Geography,soil 土壤地理
58126970 Geological classification of soils 土壤地質分類
58126971 Geological erosion 地臂沖蝕
58126972 Gibbsite (同Hydrous illite)" 氣氧鋁石,水土
58126973 Ginger nut 薑石
58126974 Glacial drift 冰川沈積
58126975 Glacial soil 冰積土
58126976 Gleization 潛水灰化作用
58126977 Gley (Glei) horizon 潛水灰粘層
58126978 Gley podzol 潛水灰壤
58126979 Grade 坡降
58126980 Graded(channel) terrace (即Drainagetype terrace) 微斜階段
58126981 Gradient 梯度
58126982 Granhle soil 土壤糰粒
58126983 Granular structure 粒狀構造
58126984 Granulation 糰粒作用
58126985 Grass land 草地
58126986 Grassed waterway 種草排水道
58126987 Gravel
58126988 Gravelly sandy loam 礫質砂壤土
58126989 Gravelly soil- 礫質土
58126990 Gravitational water 重力水
58126991 Gray 灰色
58126992 Gray brown podzolic soil 灰棕准灰壤,灰棕壤
58126993 Gray earth 灰鈣土
58126994 Gray forest soil 灰色森林土
58126995 Gray podzolic (wooded) soil 灰色准灰壤
58126996 Grayish yellow 灰黃色
58126997 Grazing land 放牧地
58126998 Great soft gsoup 土類
58126999 Grey soil (同 Sierozem) 灰鈣土
58127000 Grittiness 砂性
58127001 Ground moraine 底堆石
58127002 Ground water 地下水
58127003 Ground water laterite 潛水磚紅壤
58127004 Ground water podzol 潛水灰壤
58127005 Ground water podzolization 潛水灰化作用
58127006 Ground water soil 潛水土
58127007 Ground water table 地下水位
58127008 Gully erosion 溝堅沖蝕
58127009 Gullying 溝蝕
58127010 Gypseous horizon 石膏層
58127011 Gypsiferous 石膏質
總共 1240 筆,顯示第 451 到第 500 筆