
英文名稱 中文名稱
58127412 Residual soil 殘積土
58127413 Resilisification 後矽作用
58127414 Reticulate mottling 網斑
58127415 Revegetati0n 植被復原
58127416 Rheological property of soil 土壤持水變性
58127417 Rhizobium 根瘤細菌
58127418 Ridge-type terrace 壟式階段
58127419 Rigolith 腐石
58127420 Rill erosion 小溝沖蝕
58127421 River wash 河床沖積土
58127422 Road cut 路邊切面
58127423 Rock shachiang 砂薹石
58127424 Root hole 根孔
58127425 Root nodule 根瘤
58127426 Root soluble 根溶性
58127427 Root system 根系
58127428 Root Zone 根域
58127429 Rotational grazing 分區輪牧法
58127430 Rua-off 徑流
58127431 Rubble masonry dam 石壩
58127432 Run-off coefficient 徑流係數
58127433 Sajong (Shachiang) soil 砂薹土
58127434 Saline alkali soil 鹽鹼土
58127435 Saline soil 鹽土
58127436 Salinity 鹽度
58127437 Salinization 鹽化作用
58127438 Salinized chestnut soil 鹽化栗鈣土
58127439 Salt (Salty,Salted) soil 鹽土
58127440 Salt tolerence 耐鹽性
58127441 Sampling tube 株樣管
58127442 Sand 砂粒
58127443 Sand culture 砂培
58127444 Sandy clay loam 砂質粘壤土
58127445 Sandy loam 砂質壤土
58127446 Sandy soil 砂質土
58127447 Saponite 多鎂蒙特石,皂石
58127448 Saprophytic 腐生
58127449 Saturated flow 飽和水流
58127450 Saturated permeability 飽和滲透度
58127451 Scaly structure (同 Squamose structure) 鱗片狀構造
58127452 Schistose structure 葉片狀構造
58127453 Scouring 沖刷
58127454 Secondary laterite 次生磚紅壤
58127455 Secondary mineral 次生礦物
58127456 Secondary nutrient element(即 Secondary essential element 次量養分元素,次量要素
58127457 Secondary product of weathering 次量要素
58127458 Secondary saline soil 風化次生物
58127459 Secondary soil particle 次生鹽土
58127460 Secondary soils (同 Heterochronogenous soils) 次生土粒
58127461 Sedentary soil 次生土
總共 1240 筆,顯示第 901 到第 950 筆