
英文名稱 中文名稱
58156367 lift thickness 增填厚度
58156368 lifter hole 底炸孔
58156369 lifter screw 升降螺旋
58156370 Lifting block 起重滑車
58156371 Lifting gear 起重機
58156372 Lifting pontoon 浮碼頭
58156373 Lifting type switch 升降式轉轍器
58156374 Light and beacon list 燈塔燈標表
58156375 Light angle of approach 追行角燈
58156376 light boat 燈船
58156377 Light chipping hammer 輕型鑿削機
58156378 light demolition tool 輕型拆除機具
58156379 Light displacement 輕載;排水量
58156380 Light draught 輕載吃水
58156381 light gauge section steel 薄型鋼
58156382 Light grinder 輕型砂輪機
58156383 light industrial district 輕工業區
58156384 light industry 輕工業
58156385 Light list 燈塔表
58156386 Light railway 輕便鐵路
58156387 light sensitive vehicle detector 光電式車輛偵測器
58156388 Light shot 小爆破
58156389 Light water line 輕載水線
58156390 Light,alternating fixed and flashing 換色定閃光
58156391 Light,alternating fixed and group flashing 換色群定閃光
58156392 Light,alternating flashing 換色閃光
58156393 Light,alternating group flashing 換色群閃光
58156394 Light,alternating group occulting 換色群掩光
58156395 Light,alternating revolving 換色迴轉光
58156396 Light,amber 黃燈
58156397 Light,anchor 錨燈
58156398 Light,approach 進近燈光
58156399 Light,auxiliary 副燈
58156400 Light,blackout 防空燈
58156401 Light,boundary 起落區界線燈
58156402 Light,coasting 沿海燈塔
58156403 Light,flash 閃光燈
58156404 Light,floating 燈浮標
58156405 Light,green 綠燈
58156406 Light,ground aeronautical 地面導航燈
58156407 Light,main 主燈
58156408 Light,non-flashing 定光燈
58156409 Light,position 位置燈
58156410 Light,range 距離燈;導燈
58156411 Light,unwatched 無人看守燈塔
58156412 lighter derrick 吊桿駁船
58156413 Lighter wharf 駁船碼頑
58156414 Lighter,ambulance 救護艇
58156415 Lighter,ammunition 彈藥駁船
58156416 Lighter,ash 垃圾駁船
總共 17163 筆,顯示第 7851 到第 7900 筆