
英文名稱 中文名稱
58151880 Decrease by depth 進深遞減
58151881 Decrease of lot area
58151882 Deep bay 深水灣
58151883 deep compaction 深層夯實
58151884 Deep draught 滿載吃水
58151885 deep foundation 深基礎
58151886 Deep penetration electrode 深入電極棒
58151887 deep shock 深處震動
58151888 deep tillage 深耙
58151889 deep water dock 深水船塢
58151890 Deep water pier 深水碼頭
58151891 Deep water wave 深水波
58151892 deep-seated rock 深成岩
58151893 deep-seated weathering 深層風化
58151894 defectoscope 探傷儀
58151895 Defence of anchorage 錨地防護
58151896 Defetive pile 保護樁
58151897 Deficiency,oxygen 缺氧
58151898 Deflected tendon 彎曲鋼腱
58151899 Deflocculation agent 擴散劑
58151900 Defoamant 消泡劑
58151901 Defoaming agent 消泡劑
58151902 Defoliant 除葉劑
58151903 Deformation drag 形變曳力;形變抵抗
58151904 deformation resistance 變形阻力
58151905 Deformation,permanent 永久變形
58151906 Deformation,residual 殘留形變
58151907 deformed wire 麻面鋼線
58151908 deformeter 變形測定器
58151909 Degradation,organic-matter 有機物分解
58151910 degree of curvature 曲度
58151911 degree of disturbance 擾亂程度
58151912 degree of frost 寒凍度
58151913 degree of pollution 污染度
58151914 degree of redundancy 贅餘數
58151915 degree of sensitivity 靈敏度
58151916 degree of treatment 處理程度
58151917 Degree-day factor 融雪因數;度日因數
58151918 Degree-day method 度日法
58151919 Degrees of frost 寒凍度
58151920 Dehumidification 去潮法
58151921 Dehydrator 脫水機
58151922 delay 延滯
58151923 Delay electric blasting cap 定時電雷管
58151924 delay of traffic flow 交通延滯
58151925 Delay,fixed 定時延誤
58151926 delay-action detonator 延時雷管
58151927 Delivery sediment 移動沈滓
58151928 Delta shore line 三角洲海岸
58151929 Demand,benthal 水底需氧量
總共 17163 筆,顯示第 3401 到第 3450 筆