
英文名稱 中文名稱
57441512 trachyte vicoite 粗面白榴等色岩
57441513 trachyte-obsidian 粗面黑曜岩
57441514 trachyte-pitchstone 粗面松脂岩
57441515 trachytic texture 粗面狀結構
57441516 trachytoid texture 似粗面狀結構
57441517 trachytoid-phonolite 似粗面響岩
57441518 track 足跡
57441519 traction 掃動;牽引
57441520 traction transport 掃動搬運
57441521 tractive current 掃流
57441522 tractive force 掃動力
57441523 trade 信風
57441524 trade cumulus 信風積雲
57441525 trade inversion; trade wind inversion 信風逆?
57441526 trade wind 信風;貿易風
57441527 trade wind belt; trade wind zone 信風帶
57441528 trade wind cell 信風環流
57441529 trade wind desert 信風沙漠
57441530 traersu 特利速風
57441531 traiaxon 三軸針
57441532 trail 匍跡
57441533 trail of the fault 斷層跡
57441534 trailers 震尾
57441535 trailing 歸併現象
57441536 train of wave 波列
57441537 trajectory 軌線;路徑
57441538 tramontana 特拉蒙他那風
57441539 tranquil flow; streaming flow 靜流
57441540 trans-Neptunian planets 外海行星
57441541 trans-tidal wave 超潮波
57441542 transcrystalline fracture 晶內破裂
57441543 transcurrent fault 橫向斷層;橫移斷層
57441544 transcurrent fault system 橫移斷層系
57441545 transcurrent thrust 橫衝斷層
57441546 transducer 轉換器
57441547 transfer 轉移
57441548 transfer percentage 轉移百分比
57441549 transfer technique 移置術
57441550 transform fault 換形斷層;轉形斷層
57441551 transformant doctrine 變化學說
57441552 transformation of coordinates 坐標換算
57441553 transformed wave 變相波
57441554 transformist; metasomatist 交代學派
57441555 transfusion 過熔作用;滲流
57441556 transgression 海進
57441557 transgression phase 海進相
57441558 transgression sea 侵陸海
57441559 transgressive intrusion 貫層侵入
57441560 transgressive overlap 海進超覆
57441561 transgressive reef 海進礁
總共 30673 筆,顯示第 28051 到第 28100 筆