
英文名稱 中文名稱
56973074 abbey school 大修道院學校
56973075 ability 能力
56973076 ability grouping; grouping by ability; segregation by ability 能力分組
56973077 ability test 能力測驗
56973078 Abnormal psychology 變態心理學
56973079 aboriginal education 原住民民族教育
56973080 aboriginal education class 原住民教育班
56973081 Aboriginal Education Law 原住民教育法
56973082 aboriginal inhabited area 原住民聚居地區
56973083 abstract intelligence 抽象智力
56973084 academic attainment indicators 學力指標{教育行政機關或學術機構針對學生實際學習成就評量而得之常模性指標}
56973085 academic attainment testing 學力測驗
56973086 academic award 學術獎
56973087 Academic award of Ministry of Education 教育部學術獎
56973088 academic competence contest 學業能力競賽
56973089 academic costume 學位服
56973090 academic council 學術委員會
56973091 academic degree 學位
56973092 academic dissertation; dissertation 學位論文
56973093 academic education 學術教育
56973094 academic examination 學業考試
56973095 academic freedom 學術自由
56973096 academic gown 學院袍
56973097 academic hood 學位巾
56973098 academic work 專門著作
56973099 academic year; school year 學年
56973100 academy 學府{古希臘};大學區{法};中學{英、美舊制};學術性質之會社;軍事院校
56973101 academy inspector 大學區視學員{法}
56973102 accelerated child 加速學習的兒童
56973103 acceleration-student 加速學習的學生
56973104 accident injury prevention system 事故傷害防制
56973105 accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method 隨機教學法
56973106 accomplishment quotient {= A.Q.} 學業成績商數
56973107 accomplishment ratio 學業成績比率
56973108 accomplishment test 學業成績測驗
56973109 accreditation 審定
56973110 accredited college 經認可之學院
56973111 accredited school 經認可之學校
56973112 accredited teacher 經認可之教員
56973113 accredited university 經認可之大學
56973114 accretion learning; concomitant learning 附學習
56973115 achievement quotient 成就商數
56973116 acquired character; acquired characteristic 習得的特性
56973117 acquired tendency 習得的傾向
56973118 acquisition instinct 習得本能
56973119 act; action 動作
56973120 action research 行動研究
56973121 action system 動作系統
56973122 active attention 主動注意
56973123 active experience 活動經驗
總共 2198 筆,顯示第 1 到第 50 筆