
英文名稱 中文名稱
56648271 geometric mean diameter 幾何平均直徑
56648272 geometric measure theory 幾何測度論
56648273 geometric multiplicity 幾何重數;幾何階數
56648274 geometric pattern 幾何圖樣
56648275 geometric probability 幾何機率
56648276 geometric programming 幾何規劃
56648277 geometric progression 幾何級數;等比級數;幾何數列;等比數列
56648278 geometric representation 幾何表現
56648279 geometric sequence 等比數列
56648280 geometric series 幾何級數;等比級數
56648281 geometric significance 幾何意義
56648282 geometric simplex 幾何單體
56648283 geometric simplicial complex 幾何單形複體
56648284 geometric transformation 幾何變換
56648285 geometrical constraint 幾何約束
56648286 geometrical model 幾何模型
56648287 geometrical theory of numbers 幾何數論
56648288 geometrically integral 幾何整[的]
56648289 geometrically reduced 幾何約化[的]
56648290 geometrically regular 幾何正則[的]
56648291 geometry 幾何[學]
56648292 geometry of affine connection 仿射聯絡幾何學
56648293 geometry of circle 圓幾何[學]
56648294 geometry of connection 聯絡幾何學
56648295 geometry of direction 方向幾何學
56648296 geometry of Euclidean connection 歐氏聯絡幾何學
56648297 geometry of group manifold 群流形幾何學
56648298 geometry of iteration 迭代幾何
56648299 geometry of linear displacement 線性位移幾何
56648300 geometry of numbers 數的幾何
56648301 geometry of paths 路徑幾何[學]
56648302 geometry of plane 平面幾何[學]
56648303 geometry of position 位置幾何[學]
56648304 geometry of projection connection 射影聯絡幾何學
56648305 geometry of sphere 球面幾何[學]
56648306 geometry on curve 曲線上[的]幾何
56648307 geometry on surface 曲面上[的]幾何
56648308 germ 芽;胚
56648309 germ of analytic function 解析函數的芽
56648310 GI/M/n n站指數隨機服務系統
56648311 Gibbs phenomenon Gibbs現象
56648312 Gibbs state Gibbs狀態
56648313 giga 十億
56648314 girth of graph 圖的圍長
56648315 glissette 推成曲線
56648316 global 整體;大域;總體
56648317 global analysis 大域分析
56648318 global asymptotic stability 整體漸近穩定
56648319 global asymptotically stable 整體漸進穩定
56648320 global convergence 整體收斂
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 6201 到第 6250 筆