
英文名稱 中文名稱
56650971 metatheorem 元定理
56650972 metatheory 元理論;形上論
56650973 meter 公尺
56650974 method of agreement 契合法
56650975 method of approximation 近似法;逼近法
56650976 method of average 平均法
56650977 method of averages of false position 試位平均法
56650978 method of bisection 二分法
56650979 method of characteristics 特徵線法
56650980 method of concomitant variation 共變法
56650981 method of conjugate gradient 共軛梯度法
56650982 method of descent 遞降法
56650983 method of detached coefficients 分離係數法
56650984 method of difference 差分法
56650985 method of differential operator 微分算子法
56650986 method of dimension 因次法;量綱法
56650987 method of elimination 消去法
56650988 method of energy integral 能量積分法
56650989 method of equal coefficients 比較係數法
56650990 method of equal effects 等效法
56650991 method of exhaustion 窮舉法
56650992 method of extensional abstraction 外延抽象法
56650993 method of false position 試位法
56650994 method of finite difference 有限差分法;定差法
56650995 method of fluxions 流數法;微分法
56650996 method of grouping 分組法
56650997 method of induction 歸納法
56650998 method of inspection 觀察法;視察法
56650999 method of interpolation 插值法
56651000 method of iteration 迭代法
56651001 method of joints 結點法
56651002 method of Laplace transformation Laplace變換法
56651003 method of leading variable 引入變量法
56651004 method of least squares 最小平方法
56651005 method of line 直線法
56651006 method of majorant 優控[函數]法
56651007 method of maximum likelihood 最大概度法
56651008 method of mean value 均值法
56651009 method of moment 動差法;慣量法
56651010 method of Newton ; Newton's method 牛頓法
56651011 method of numerical integration 數值積分法
56651012 method of orthogonal projection 正射影法
56651013 method of perturbation 擾動法;微擾法
56651014 method of prediction 預報法
56651015 method of projection 射影法
56651016 method of quadrature 求積法
56651017 method of random sampling 隨機抽樣法
56651018 method of real cyclotomic field 實分圓體法
56651019 method of reduction of dimension 降維法
56651020 method of reduction of order 降階法
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 8901 到第 8950 筆