
英文名稱 中文名稱
56643771 characteristic cone 特徵錐;特徵錐面
56643772 characteristic conoid 特徵錐體
56643773 characteristic constant 特徵常數
56643774 characteristic coordinates 特徵坐標
56643775 characteristic curve 特徵曲線
56643776 characteristic determinant 特徵行列式
56643777 characteristic direction 特徵方向
56643778 characteristic element 特徵元素;示性元素
56643779 characteristic equation 特徵方程
56643780 characteristic exponent 特徵指數
56643781 characteristic form 特徵形式
56643782 characteristic function 特徵函數
56643783 characteristic function of set 集合的特徵函數
56643784 characteristic index 特徵指標
56643785 characteristic line element 特徵線元素
56643786 characteristic manifold 特徵流形
56643787 characteristic mapping 特徵映射
56643788 characteristic number 特徵數
56643789 characteristic of correspondence 對應的特徵
56643790 characteristic of developable surface 可展曲面的特徵線
56643791 characteristic of family of surfaces 曲面族的特徵線
56643792 characteristic of field 體的特徵數
56643793 characteristic of logarithm 對數的首數
56643794 characteristic oscillation 特徵振動
56643795 characteristic parameter 特徵參數
56643796 characteristic partial differential equation 特徵偏微分方程
56643797 characteristic polynomial ; proper polynomial 特徵多項式
56643798 characteristic quadratic form 特徵二次式
56643799 characteristic root 特徵根
56643800 characteristic series 特徵序列
56643801 characteristic space 特徵空間
56643802 characteristic strip 特徵帶
56643803 characteristic subgroup 特徵子群
56643804 characteristic surface 特徵曲面;示性曲面
56643805 characteristic value ; proper value 特徵值
56643806 characteristic variable 特徵變量
56643807 characteristic vector ; proper vector 特徵向量
56643808 characteristically simple group 特徵單群
56643809 characteristics 特徵線;特徵面
56643810 characterization 特徵化;刻畫
56643811 characterizing definition 特徵定義;刻畫定義
56643812 chart 圖表
56643813 Chebyshev polynomial Chebyshev多項式
56643814 check bit 檢驗位元
56643815 check digit 檢驗數位
56643816 check formula 驗算公式
56643817 check table 檢查表
56643818 checking computation 驗算
56643819 checking procedure 檢驗步驟
56643820 Chern class 陳[省身]類
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 1701 到第 1750 筆