
英文名稱 中文名稱
56646721 ellipsoidal bound 橢球界
56646722 ellipsoidal coordinate 橢球坐標
56646723 ellipsoidal harmonic 橢球調和函數
56646724 ellipsoidal model 橢球模型
56646725 ellipsoidal norm 橢圓範數
56646726 elliptic catenary 橢圓懸鏈線
56646727 elliptic collineation 橢性直射
56646728 elliptic conchoid 橢圓蚌線
56646729 elliptic cone 橢圓錐面
56646730 elliptic congruence 橢性線彙
56646731 elliptic coordinates 橢圓坐標
56646732 elliptic curve 橢圓曲線
56646733 elliptic cyclic group 橢圓循環群
56646734 elliptic cylinder 橢圓柱面
56646735 elliptic cylindrical coordinates 橢圓柱坐標
56646736 elliptic cylindrical function 橢圓柱函數
56646737 elliptic cylindrical wave function 橢圓柱面波函數
56646738 elliptic difference equation 橢圓型差分方程
56646739 elliptic differential equation 橢圓[型]微分方程
56646740 elliptic differential operator 橢圓[型]微分算子
56646741 elliptic domain 橢圓域
56646742 elliptic equation 橢圓型方程
56646743 elliptic function 橢圓函數
56646744 elliptic function field 橢圓函數體
56646745 elliptic geometry 橢圓幾何[學]
56646746 elliptic homology 橢圓透射
56646747 elliptic integral 橢圓積分
56646748 elliptic irrational function 橢圓無理函數
56646749 elliptic modular function 橢圓模函數
56646750 elliptic modular group 橢圓模群
56646751 elliptic motion 橢圓運動
56646752 elliptic non-Euclidean geometry 橢圓型非歐幾何
56646753 elliptic paraboloid 橢圓拋物面
56646754 elliptic paraboloid of revolution 旋轉橢圓拋物面
56646755 elliptic partial differential equation 橢圓型偏微分方程
56646756 elliptic pencil of circle 橢性圓束
56646757 elliptic plane geometry 橢圓平面幾何[學]
56646758 elliptic point 橢圓點
56646759 elliptic problem 橢圓型問題
56646760 elliptic projectivity 橢圓直射
56646761 elliptic quadratic surface 橢圓型二次曲面
56646762 elliptic Riemann surface 橢圓型黎曼[曲]面
56646763 elliptic sector 橢圓扇形
56646764 elliptic space 橢圓空間
56646765 elliptic transformation 橢圓變換
56646766 elliptic trochoid 橢圓次擺線
56646767 elliptical complex 橢圓複體
56646768 ellipticity 橢圓性
56646769 ellipticity condition 橢圓性條件
56646770 ellipticity constant 橢圓性常數
總共 16897 筆,顯示第 4651 到第 4700 筆