
英文名稱 中文名稱
56874948 access service 接續服務
56874949 access standard 接取標準
56874950 access-related condition 近用相關條件;進用相關條件
56874951 accessibility 近用性;進用性;可近用性;可進用性
56874952 accessibility to children 兒童近用;兒童進用
56874953 accessory 附件;輔助設備
56874954 accessory shoe 附件插座槽
56874955 accidental sampling 偶遇抽樣
56874956 accommodation 調和
56874957 account 客戶
56874958 account executive {=AE} 業務人員
56874959 account hijacking 帳號竊取
56874960 account management information system {=AMIS} 客戶管理資訊系統
56874961 account of profits 利潤考量
56874962 account planning 業務企畫
56874963 account supervisor 業務督導
56874964 accountability 責任
56874965 accountability principle 問責原則
56874966 accounting information system {=AIS} 會計資訊系統
56874967 accounting rate 分攤費率
56874968 accreditation 認證;審定
56874969 accreditation program 認證方案
56874970 accredited journalist 特派記者?
56874971 accretion measure 附加測量
56874972 acculturation 文化涵化;文化適應;文化同化
56874973 accuracy 精確;正確;準確
56874974 acetate 醋酸基
56874975 acetate film 醋酸鹽膠片
56874976 acetate-base film 醋酸銀基底片
56874977 acetic acid 醋酸
56874978 acetyl cellulose 醋酸纖維素;乙醯纖維素
56874979 achievement motivation theory 成就動機理論
56874980 achromat 消色差;消色差透鏡
56874981 achromatic color 消色;去色
56874982 achromatic lens 消色差透鏡;消色差鏡頭
56874983 achrony 含混
56874984 acid developer 酸性顯影液
56874985 acid fixer 酸性定影液
56874986 acid hardener 酸性固膜液
56874987 acid hardening fixer 酸性固膜定影液
56874988 acid stop bath 酸性停制液;酸性停顯液
56874989 acid-processed gelatin 酸性處理膠片;酸性膠
56874990 ACLU {=American Civil Liberties Union} 美國公民自由聯盟
56874991 ACMA {=Australian Communications and Media Authority} 澳洲通訊及媒體局
56874992 acoustics 音響學
56874993 ACPA {=Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act} {美國}反網路搶註消費者保護法
56874994 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome {=AIDS} 愛滋病;後天免疫缺乏症候群
56874995 acquired susceptibility 後天易感性
56874996 acquisition and distribution 採購與發行
56874997 acquisition television program 外購電視節目
總共 15213 筆,顯示第 101 到第 150 筆