
英文名稱 中文名稱
56870695 CA,chartered accountant 會計師
56870696 ceiling 限額,上限
56870697 ceiling price 限價
56870698 center-ruled ledger 中欄分類帳
56870699 cents percent 每百元若干分(保險費率)
56870700 certain annuity,annuity certain 確定年金
56870701 certificate book 股票簿
56870702 certificate of auditor 查帳證明書
56870703 certificate of balance sheet 資產負債表審核證明書,平衡表審核證明書
56870704 certificate of completion of handling over charge 交代清結證明書
56870705 certificate of deposit 存款證,存款單摺
56870706 certificate of incorporation 公司登記執照
56870707 certificate of indebtedness 借據
56870708 certificate of stock 股票
56870709 certified check 保付支票
56870710 certified financial statement 審定財務報表
56870711 certified public accountant,CPA 註冊合格會計師,會計師
56870712 certifying officer 付款簽證員
56870713 cestui que trust 信託受益人
56870714 cestuis que trustent 信託受益人(複數)
56870715 chain discount 連鎖折扣
56870716 change fund 找換金
56870717 channel discount 特殊折扣
56870718 character classification 性質別分類(帳目)
56870719 charge 開支,借項
56870720 charge off 出帳,沖銷
56870721 charge sales 賒銷
56870722 charge tickets 賒銷發票
56870723 charge to capital,capital expenditure 資本支出
56870724 charge-and-discharge statement 經管財產收支表
56870725 charges against revenue,revenue expenditure 收益支出,所入支出
56870726 charm price 廉價價格
56870727 chart 圖表
56870728 chart of accounts 帳目表,會計科目表,帳目組織系統圖
56870729 chart of attributes 品質圖
56870730 charter 執照,包船[車,機]契約,章程
56870731 charter party 租船契約
56870732 chartered accountant 註冊合格會計師(英),會計師(英)
56870733 chartered hire 計時船租費
56870734 chattel 動產
56870735 chattel mortgage 動產抵押
56870736 check 支票,核對
56870737 check book 支票簿
56870738 check book stubs 支票存根
56870739 check figure 核對數
56870740 check mark 對號,核對符號
56870741 check register 支票登記簿
56870742 checking accounts 核對帳目
56870743 chief accountant 會計主任
56870744 chronological book 序時帳簿
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 751 到第 800 筆