
英文名稱 中文名稱
56870845 completion report 完工報告
56870846 complex number 複素數
56870847 complex trust 複合信託
56870848 composite balance sheet 綜合資產負債表,綜合平衡表
56870849 composite income sheet 綜合損益表
56870850 composite life 綜合平均壽年
56870851 composite rate 綜合率
56870852 composite turnover 綜合週轉數
56870853 composite-lift method (of depreciation) 綜合壽年折舊法
56870854 composition 債務和解
56870855 composition depreciation 綜合折舊
56870856 compound amount of 1 一元本利和
56870857 compound amount of 1 per period 每期一元本利和
56870858 compound discount 複利折現
56870859 compound interest 複利
56870860 compound journal entry 多項分錄
56870861 compound-interest method (of depreciation) 複利折舊法
56870862 comprehensive audit 綜合審計
56870863 comprehensive budgeting 綜合預算
56870864 comptroller 會計長
56870865 comptroller general of the United States 美國聯邦政府審計長
56870866 compulsory fund 強迫基金
56870867 compulsory reserve 強制準備
56870868 computed price 推計價格
56870869 concept 概念
56870870 concession 讓與
56870871 condensed balance sheet 簡明資產負債表,簡明平衡表
56870872 condensed income statement 簡明損益表
56870873 conditional endorsement 條件背書
56870874 conditional sale 附條件銷售
56870875 confirmation 詢證
56870876 confirmation request 請證
56870877 conglomerate company 多角經營公司
56870878 consequential loss 間接損失(保險業)
56870879 consideration 訂約要因,補償
56870880 consignee 承銷人
56870881 consignment 寄銷
56870882 consignment expense 寄銷費用
56870883 consignment profit and loss 寄銷損益
56870884 consignment record 寄銷記錄,承銷記錄
56870885 consignment sales 寄銷品銷售,承銷品銷售
56870886 consignment-in (inward) 承銷品,承銷
56870887 consignment-out (outward) 寄銷品,寄銷
56870888 consignor 寄銷人
56870889 consignor's note 寄銷通知
56870890 consistency 一致,一貫
56870891 consolidated balance sheet 合併資產負債表,合併平衡表
56870892 consolidated financial statement 合併財務報表
56870893 consolidated goodwill 合併商譽
56870894 consolidated group 合併集團
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 901 到第 950 筆