
英文名稱 中文名稱
56871495 economic lot size 經濟批購量
56871496 economic unit 經濟單位
56871497 effective interest rate 實際利率
56871498 effective rate 實際比率
56871499 efficiency variance 效率差異
56871500 elaborative sequence 分解順序
56871501 elastic low-par stock 彈性低面值股份
56871502 electric power cost 電力成本
56871503 electronic data processing,EDP 電子資料處理
56871504 elimination 銷除
56871505 eliminations ledger 銷除分類帳
56871506 embezzlement 侵佔
56871507 emblements 作物權益
56871508 emergency amortization,accelerated depreciation 緊急攤銷,加速折舊
56871509 emergency facilities 緊急設備
56871510 empirical 經驗的
56871511 employees' insurance fund 職工保險基金
56871512 employees' pension fund 職工卹養基金
56871513 employees' savings fund 職工儲金
56871514 employers' liability insurance 雇主責任保險
56871515 employment department 人事部
56871516 EMV,expected monetary value 預期幣值
56871517 encumbrance 保留數,不動產的負擔
56871518 end product 成果
56871519 ending inventory 期末存貨
56871520 endorsement without recourse 免除保付的背書,無追索權背書
56871521 endorsement,indorsement 背書
56871522 endorser 背書人
56871523 endowment earnings fund balance 留本收益基金餘額
56871524 endowment fund 留本基金
56871525 endowment principal fund balance 留本本金基金餘額
56871526 enter 登帳,過帳
56871527 enterprise accounting 企業會計
56871528 enterprise cost 企業成本
56871529 enterprise debt 企業債務
56871530 enterprise fund 企業基金(政府會計)
56871531 enterprise value,going-concern value 企業價值,繼續經營價值
56871532 entertainment 交際費
56871533 entity 個體
56871534 entity accounting 個體會計
56871535 entity theory 個體說
56871536 entrepreneur 企業家
56871537 entry 記錄,分錄
56871538 EOM,end of month 月終
56871539 EOY,end of year 年終
56871540 equal instalment system 等額分期付[收]款制
56871541 equalization point,basing point 平衡點,基點
56871542 equalization reserve 平衡準備
56871543 equalizing dividend 勻期股利
56871544 equated maturity 平均期日
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 1551 到第 1600 筆