
英文名稱 中文名稱
56871845 free price 自由價格
56871846 free surplus 任意公積
56871847 freehold 不動產所有權
56871848 freight absorption 運費免收
56871849 freight bill 運費單
56871850 freight not allocated 未分配運費
56871851 freight notice 運費通知單
56871852 freight paid at destination 目的地付運費
56871853 freight paid in advance 預付運費
56871854 freight to be deducted 應扣代付運費
56871855 freight-in,freight inward 進貨運費
56871856 freight-out,freight outward 銷貨運費
56871857 freight,freight charge 運費
56871858 frequency chart 次數圖
56871859 frequency curve 次數曲線
56871860 frequency distribution 次數分配
56871861 frequency polygon 次數多邊形
56871862 fringe benefit 福利
56871863 frozen asset 凍結資產
56871864 frozen credit 呆欠
56871865 fuel 燃料
56871866 full cost 完全成本
56871867 full costing 完全成本法
56871868 full disclosure 充分表達
56871869 full endosement 記名背書
56871870 full faith and credit 十足信用
56871871 full faith and credit bond,general obligation bond 十足信用債券,普通負擔債券
56871872 full liability 完全責任
56871873 full standard burden 全標準間接費
56871874 full-paid capital stock 全部繳清的股本
56871875 fully secured creditor 擔保充分的債權人
56871876 fully secured liability 擔保充分的負債
56871877 function-type organization 分職式組織
56871878 functional accounting,activity accounting 職能會計,業務會計
56871879 functional classification 職能分類,政事別
56871880 functional depreciation 功能折舊
56871881 functional expense" 職能別費用
56871882 fund 基金,資金
56871883 fund accounting structure 基金會計結構
56871884 fund accounts 基金帳目
56871885 fund asset 基金資產
56871886 fund balance 基金餘額
56871887 fund balance receipts 基金餘額收入
56871888 fund balance sheet 基金平衡表
56871889 fund group 基金組合
56871890 fund liability 基金負債
56871891 fund obligation 基金負擔
56871892 fund pool 基金聯營投資
56871893 fund procedure 基金程式
56871894 fund surplus,fund balance 基金剩餘,基金餘額
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 1901 到第 1950 筆