
英文名稱 中文名稱
56872095 improvements in progress,improvements in process 在程改良工程
56872096 improvements on leased property 租賃財產改良
56872097 improvements other than buildings 建築物外其他改良物
56872098 impute 設算,推算
56872099 imputed cost 設算成本,推算成本
56872100 imputed interest 設算利息,推算利息
56872101 imputed rent 設算租金
56872102 in-charge accountant,accountant in charge 主辦會計員,主辦會計師
56872103 in-cycle work 機器運轉時工作
56872104 inactive stock report 呆存材料報告單
56872105 inadequacy 不適用
56872106 inadequate capacity 不敷能量
56872107 inadmissible asset 免稅資產
56872108 inadmitted asset 免計資產(保險會計)
56872109 incidental revenue 雜項收入,雜項所入
56872110 income 收益,所得
56872111 income account 收益帳戶,收益帳目
56872112 income and expense 收益與費用
56872113 income beneficiary 收益享受人,遺益享受人
56872114 income bond 收益債券
56872115 income charge 收益開支
56872116 income deduction 收益減項
56872117 income from investment 投資收益
56872118 income from royalties 版稅收益
56872119 income realization 收益實現
56872120 income sheet ratio 損益比率
56872121 income sheet,income statement 損益表
56872122 income statement adjustment 損益表調整
56872123 income tax 所得稅
56872124 income tax reserve 所得稅準備
56872125 incorporation 設立登記,註冊
56872126 increment 增值
56872127 incremental cost 增量成本,增支成本
56872128 indebtedness 債務
56872129 indenture 契約
56872130 independence 獨立,超然
56872131 independent accountant 獨立會計師
56872132 independent audit 獨立審計
56872133 independent variable 自變數
56872134 indeterminate appropriation 無限經費
56872135 index number 指數
56872136 index of correlation 相關指數
56872137 index of creditors 債權人指數
56872138 indirect charge,overhead 間接費
56872139 indirect cost 間接成本
56872140 indirect department 間接部門
56872141 indirect expense 間接費用
56872142 indirect labor 間接人工
56872143 indirect liability 間接負債
56872144 indirect manufacturing cost 間接製造成本
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 2151 到第 2200 筆