
英文名稱 中文名稱
56872595 matured liability 到期負債
56872596 matured liability unpaid 未付到期負債
56872597 maturing liability 將到期負債
56872598 maturity 到期,到期日
56872599 maturity basis 到期基礎
56872600 maturity date 到期日
56872601 maximize profit 最高利潤
56872602 maximum capacity 最高能量
56872603 maximum quantity of stores 最高存料量
56872604 Md,median 中位數
56872605 measurement 衡量
56872606 memorandum account 備忘帳戶
56872607 memorandum book 備查簿
56872608 memorandum entry 備忘記錄
56872609 memorandum ledger 備查分類帳
56872610 memorandum of association 公司設立章程(英)
56872611 memorandum sale 試銷
56872612 memo,memorandum 備忘錄
56872613 mercantile credit 商業信用
56872614 merchandise 商品
56872615 merchandise account 商品帳戶
56872616 merchandise cost 商品成本
56872617 merchandise credit slip 退貨憑單
56872618 merchandise inventory 商品盤存
56872619 merchandise inventory-final 期末商品盤存
56872620 merchandise inventory-initial 期初商品盤存
56872621 merchandise procurement cost 商品取得成本
56872622 merchandise purchases 購貨
56872623 merchandise sales 銷貨
56872624 merchandise trading account 購銷帳戶
56872625 merchandise turnover 商品周轉率
56872626 merchandise valuation 商品評價
56872627 merchant's rule,United States rule 商人還款辦法
56872628 merged company 合夥公司
56872629 merger 吸收合併
56872630 method of check-off 註銷法
56872631 method of testing 抽查法
56872632 mill net price 廠盤淨價
56872633 min-max system 最低與最高存量法
56872634 minimum quantity of stores 最低存料量
56872635 minimum reserve 最低準備
56872636 minimum stock method 最低存量法
56872637 minority interest 少數股權
56872638 minute book 議事錄
56872639 misappropriation 濫用
56872640 miscellaneous asset 雜項資產
56872641 miscellaneous expense 雜項費用
56872642 miscellaneous payments 雜項支付
56872643 miscellaneous revenue 雜項收入
56872644 misrepresentation 錯誤表示
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 2651 到第 2700 筆