
英文名稱 中文名稱
56870195 annuity fund 年金基金
56870196 annuity method (of depreciation) 年金法(折舊)
56870197 annuity period 年金期間
56870198 annuity trust account 年金信託帳
56870199 antedate 提前日期
56870200 anticipated cost 預期成本
56870201 anticipated profit 預期利益
56870202 anticipated revenue 預期收入,預期所入
56870203 anticipation warrants payable 預期應付支付書
56870204 antilogarithm 真數
56870205 application and allotment book 股份認購及分配簿
56870206 application for share 認股書
56870207 application of fund statement,statement of application of funds 資金運用表
56870208 application of funds 資金運用
56870209 applied cost 已分配成本
56870210 applied expense 已分配費用
56870211 applied manufacturing expense 已分配製造費用
56870212 applied material handling expense 已分配材料管理費用
56870213 applied selling and administrative expense 已分配推銷與管理費用
56870214 apportioned charge 分攤費用
56870215 apportionment,allotment 分攤,分配
56870216 appraisal company 估價公司
56870217 appraisal method (of depreciation) 估價法(折舊)
56870218 appraisal of plant 產業估價,廠房估價
56870219 appraisal report 估價報告
56870220 appraisal surplus 估價公積,估價盈餘
56870221 appraisal,appraisement 估價
56870222 appraised value 估定價值
56870223 appraiser 估價人,評價人
56870224 appreciated value 增漲價值,增值
56870225 appreciation 漲價,增值
56870226 appreciation surplus,appraisal surplus 漲價公積,增值公積
56870227 appropriated material 指撥材料
56870228 appropriated profit 指撥利益
56870229 appropriated surplus 指撥公積
56870230 appropriation 指撥,經費,核定經費
56870231 appropriation account 經費帳,盈餘分配帳(英)
56870232 appropriation act,bill,ordinance,resolution,or order 經費法案
56870233 appropriation allotment 經費分配
56870234 appropriation balance 經費餘額
56870235 appropriation budget 經費預算
56870236 appropriation expenditure 經費支出
56870237 appropriation expenditure ledger 經費支出分類帳
56870238 appropriation ledger 經費分類帳
56870239 appropriation of net income 盈餘分配,淨益分配
56870240 appropriation period 經費期間
56870241 appropriation receipt 經費收入
56870242 appropriation refund 經費收回
56870243 appropriation reimbursement 經費補償
56870244 appropriation request 經費申請書
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 251 到第 300 筆