
英文名稱 中文名稱
56873095 percentage of completion 完工程度
56873096 percentage of completion basis 完成百分率基礎
56873097 percentage statement 百分率表
56873098 percentile 百分位數
56873099 perfection standard cost 完善標準成本
56873100 performance accounting 績效會計
56873101 performance budget 績效預算
56873102 performance classification 績效分類
56873103 performance graphic report 績效圖解報告
56873104 performance measurement 績效衡量
56873105 performance reporting 績效報告
56873106 perils of the seas 海險
56873107 period charge 期間開支
56873108 period cost 期間成本
56873109 period expense 期間費用
56873110 periodic audit 定期查帳
56873111 periodic income 期間收益
56873112 periodic payment accumulating to 1 累積一元每期付款
56873113 periodic payment with present value of 1 一元現值每期付款
56873114 periodic plan 期間計劃
56873115 permanent asset 永久資產
56873116 permanent capital 永久資本
56873117 permanent file 永久檔案
56873118 permanent investment 長期投資
56873119 permanent property 永久性財產
56873120 permutation 排列
56873121 perpetual inventory 永續盤存
56873122 perpetual inventory system 永續盤存制
56873123 perpetuity 永續年金
56873124 personal account 人名帳戶
56873125 personal holding company 私人控股公司
56873126 personal income 個人所得
56873127 personal liability 私人負債
56873128 personal property 動產
56873129 personification theory 擬人說
56873130 PERT,program evaluation and review technique 計劃評核術
56873131 petty cash (fund) 零用金
56873132 petty cash book 零用現金簿
56873133 petty cash voucher 零用金憑單
56873134 physical asset,tangible asset 實物資產,有形資產
56873135 physical budget 實物預算
56873136 physical depreciation 實質折舊
56873137 physical inventory 實地盤存
56873138 physical inventory book 實地盤存簿
56873139 physical life 實質壽年
56873140 physical variance,efficiency variance 實績差異,效率差異
56873141 pictorial statement 圖形表
56873142 piece rate 計件工資率
56873143 piece work wage 計件工資
56873144 plan of accounts 高帳程式圖
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 3151 到第 3200 筆