
英文名稱 中文名稱
56873645 remainderman 剩餘遺產承受人
56873646 remittance 匯款
56873647 remittance slip 匯款通知單
56873648 removal cost 拆遷成本
56873649 renegotiation reserve 重議價準備
56873650 renewal 換新
56873651 renewal cost 換新成本
56873652 renewal fund 換新基金
56873653 renewal or replacement fund 換新或重置基金
56873654 rent 租金
56873655 rent roll 租摺
56873656 rental expense 租金費用
56873657 rental income 租金收益
56873658 rental receipt 租金收入
56873659 reorganization 改組
56873660 repair 修理
56873661 repair order 修理通知單
56873662 repair production order 修理工作通知單
56873663 repairs and maintenance 修護,修理維護
56873664 repairs equalization reserve 修理費平衡準備
56873665 repeating audit,periodic audit 常期查帳,定期查帳
56873666 repetend 循環小數
56873667 replacement 重置
56873668 replacement cost 重置成本
56873669 replacement fund 重置基金
56873670 replacement method (of depreciation) 重置成本折舊法
56873671 replacement price method 重置價格法(領料計價)
56873672 replacement unit 重置單位
56873673 replacement value 重置價值
56873674 report 報告
56873675 report form 報告式
56873676 report form balance sheet 報告式平衡表
56873677 report form profit and loss statement 報告式損益表
56873678 report of scrap material 廢料報單
56873679 repossessed goods 收回貨品
56873680 repossession 收回
56873681 representation 陳述
56873682 representative sample 代表樣品
56873683 reproduction cost 再生產成本
56873684 reproduction value 再生產價值
56873685 repurchased stock 重購入股份
56873686 required earnings 應提收益
56873687 required installment contribution 應提分期收取分擔額
56873688 requisition 請求單,請購單,領料單
56873689 requisition for payment 付款請求單
56873690 requisition journal 領料簿
56873691 rescission of dividend 取消股利
56873692 research budget 研究預算
56873693 reserve 準備,保留
56873694 reserve adequacy 準備恰當,準備足夠
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 3701 到第 3750 筆