
英文名稱 中文名稱
56873995 short-term liability 短期負債
56873996 short-term note 短期票據
56873997 shortage 短少
56873998 shut-down expense 停廠費用
56873999 sidehead 橫目
56874000 sight draft 即期票據
56874001 significant amount 大數
56874002 silent partner 隱名合夥人
56874003 simple average 簡單平均數
56874004 simple interest 單利
56874005 simple journal 簡易分錄簿
56874006 simple numerical system 簡單數字法(指編號)
56874007 simple sequence 單純順序
56874008 simple trust 單純信託
56874009 simultaneous verification 同時檢證
56874010 single budget 單一預算
56874011 single cost system 單一成本制
56874012 single entry bookkeeping 單式簿記
56874013 single proprietorship,sole proprietorship 獨資
56874014 single purpose statement 專用報表
56874015 single-account system 單帳戶制(指在製品帳)
56874016 single-name paper 單名票據
56874017 single-step income statement 單站式損益表
56874018 sinking fund asset 償債基金資產
56874019 sinking fund bond 償債基金債券
56874020 sinking fund expense 償債基金費用
56874021 sinking fund income 償債基金收益
56874022 sinking fund investment 償債基金投資
56874023 sinking fund requirements 償債基金需要
56874024 sinking fund reserve 償債基金準備
56874025 sinking fund trustee 償債基金受託人
56874026 sinking fund,debt service fund 償債基金,債務基金
56874027 sinking-fund method (of depreciation) 償債基金折舊法
56874028 site audit 就地審計
56874029 skeleton account 骨幹式帳戶,丁帳戶
56874030 skewness 偏斜度
56874031 slide 位數移動
56874032 slip system 傳票制度
56874033 slow asset 呆滯資產
56874034 smoothing 修勻
56874035 social accounting 社會會計,國民會計
56874036 solvent,solvency 有償債能力
56874037 sound value 穩妥價值
56874038 source-and-disposition statement,source-and-uses statement,statement of application of funds 資金來源去路表,資金運用表
56874039 space expense 地位費用
56874040 special assessment 特賦
56874041 special assessment bond 特賦債券
56874042 special assessment fund 特賦基金
56874043 special assessment liens 特賦留置權
56874044 special assessment liens receivable 應收特賦留置權
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 4051 到第 4100 筆