
英文名稱 中文名稱
56874295 summary of cost of finished products 製成品成本彙總表
56874296 summary of cost of goods sold 銷貨成本彙總表
56874297 summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied 已分配製造費用彙總表
56874298 summary of materials consumed 用料彙總表
56874299 summary of materials received 收料彙總表
56874300 summary of materials returned 退料彙總表
56874301 summary of scrap and spoiled materials 廢料壞料彙總表
56874302 summary of spoiled work 損壞工作彙總表
56874303 summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense 實際與已分配製造費用彙總表
56874304 summary sheet 彙總單
56874305 summary statement 彙總表,總表
56874306 summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements 現金收付彙總表
56874307 summary statement of receipts and expenditures 收入與支出彙總表
56874308 summary statement of resources and obligations 資力負擔彙總表
56874309 sundry 雜項
56874310 sundry accounts 雜項帳戶
56874311 sundry asset 雜項資產
56874312 sundry creditor 雜項債權人
56874313 sundry customer,sundry debtor 雜項債務人
56874314 sunk cost 沈入成本
56874315 superannuation fund 養老基金
56874316 superintendents' office expense 臨工部費用
56874317 supplemental appropriation 追加經費
56874318 supplementary account 補助帳戶
56874319 supplementary budget 追加預算
56874320 supplementary cost 補充成本
56874321 supplementary rate 增補(分配)率
56874322 supplementary ratio 補充比率
56874323 supplies 用品
56874324 supplies inventory 用品盤存
56874325 supply price 供應價格
56874326 support price 保障價格
56874327 supporting document 證件
56874328 supporting record 附屬記錄
56874329 supporting schedules,supporting statements 附表
56874330 surety 擔保人
56874331 surety bond 擔保債券
56874332 surplus 盈餘,剩餘,公積
56874333 surplus adjustment account 盈餘調整帳
56874334 surplus analysis 盈餘分析表
56874335 surplus appropriation account 盈餘分配帳
56874336 surplus asset 剩餘資產
56874337 surplus at date of acquisition,acquired surplus 取得日公積,取得公積
56874338 surplus charge 沖轉公積
56874339 surplus charge property reappraisal 財產重估價盈餘
56874340 surplus for the year 本年盈餘
56874341 surplus from cancellation of stock 減股盈餘
56874342 surplus from consolidation 合併盈餘
56874343 surplus from donated land 贈地盈餘
56874344 surplus from donated stock 贈股盈餘
總共 4884 筆,顯示第 4351 到第 4400 筆