
英文名稱 中文名稱
56659880 abrasive dust 磨塵
56659881 abrasive hardness 抗磨硬度
56659882 abrasive hardness tester 抗磨硬度試驗機
56659883 abrasive paper 砂紙
56659884 abrasive powder 磨料粉
56659885 abrasive stick 油石
56659886 abrasive stone 磨石
56659887 abrasive tools 磨具
56659888 abrasive type rice milling machine 摩擦式碾米機
56659889 abrasive wear machine 磨耗試驗幾
56659890 abrasive wheel 磨輪
56659891 abrasives (grinding material) 磨料,摩擦物
56659892 abrator 離心噴光幾
56659893 abreast 並列座位,併列
56659894 abscissa 橫坐標
56659895 absence of gravity 無重力,失重
56659896 absolute acceleration 絕對加速度
56659897 absolute aerodynamic ceiling 絕對氣動升限
56659898 absolute alcohol 純酒精
56659899 absolute altimeter 絕對高度表
56659900 absolute altitude 絕對高度
56659901 absolute ampere 絕對安培
56659902 absolute angle of attack 絕對攻角
56659903 absolute atmosphere 絕對大氣壓
56659904 absolute block signal 絕對閉塞號誌
56659905 absolute ceiling 絕對昇限
56659906 absolute ceiling 絕對升限
56659907 absolute coefficient 絕對系數
56659908 absolute constant 絕對常數
56659909 absolute coordinate system 絕對座標系統
56659910 absolute density 絕對密度
56659911 absolute displacement 絕對位移
56659912 absolute efficiency 絕對效率
56659913 absolute error 絕對誤差
56659914 absolute humidity 絕對濕度
56659915 absolute humidity 絕對溼度
56659916 absolute inclinometer 絕對傾斜儀
56659917 absolute instability 絕對不穩定性
56659918 absolute joule 絕對焦耳
56659919 absolute kilowatt 絕對千瓦
56659920 absolute lift coefficient 絕對升力係數
56659921 absolute motion 絕對運動
56659922 absolute number 無名數
56659923 absolute ohm 絕對歐姆
56659924 absolute optical shaft encoder 絕對光學轉軸編碼器
56659925 absolute path 絕對動路
56659926 absolute practical unit 絕對實用單位
56659927 absolute pressure 絕對壓力
56659928 absolute pressure gauge 絕對壓力表
56659929 absolute rest 絕對靜止
總共 50556 筆,顯示第 101 到第 150 筆