
英文名稱 中文名稱
56709180 waisted stud 腰狀桿螺栓
56709181 waiting for another train 待避列車
56709182 wake 尾流
56709183 wake analysis 尾流分析
56709184 wake drag 尾流阻力
56709185 wake drag coefficient 尾流阻力係數
56709186 wake effects 尾流效應
56709187 wake loss 尾流損失
56709188 wake shape 尾流形狀
56709189 wake-interaction noise 尾流互制噪音
56709190 walk around inspection 巡行檢查
56709191 Walk Way 走道
56709192 walk-around bottle 手提式氧氣瓶
56709193 walking area 步行區
56709194 walking beam furnace 走動樑加熱爐
56709195 walking excavator 行走式挖掘機
56709196 walking tractor 步行式曳引機
56709197 walking tractor 手扶曳引機
56709198 walking type plow 步行式犁
56709199 walking type tractor 步行式曳引機,耕耘機
56709200 wall coil 壁盤管
56709201 wall constraint 邊壁限制(風洞)
56709202 wall firing 牆式燃燒
56709203 wall superheater 牆式過熱器
56709204 wall thickness of cylinder 筒體壁厚
56709205 wall thickness of flexspline 柔輪齒圈壁厚
56709206 wall-enclosed superheater 包壁式過熱器
56709207 wall-fired boiler 壁燃燒式鍋爐
56709208 wall-hung boiler 壁掛式鍋爐
56709209 wall-mounting-type air conditioner 壁掛式空調器
56709210 walled belt conveyor 有邊帶式運送機
56709211 wallpaper preparation device 壁紙準備裝置
56709212 Wankel compressor 汪克壓縮器
56709213 Wankel refrigerant compressor 汪克冷媒壓縮機
56709214 war consumer 戰爭消耗品
56709215 war reserve 戰備物資
56709216 war-readiness spare kit 備戰備用組件
56709217 warhead 彈頭
56709218 warhead gain 彈頭增益
56709219 warhead-blast cluster 爆震集束彈頭
56709220 warhead-booster 彈頭傳爆管
56709221 warhead-fragmenting 殺傷彈頭
56709222 warm extrusion 溫擠製
56709223 warm front 暖鋒
56709224 warm gas thruster 暖氣推進器
56709225 warm high 暖高壓
56709226 warm low 暖低壓
56709227 warm season 暖季
56709228 warm sector 暖區
56709229 warm starting 溫起動
總共 50556 筆,顯示第 49401 到第 49450 筆