
英文名稱 中文名稱
56710586 chain pitch 鏈節〔距〕
56710587 chain tensioner 緊鏈器
56710588 chain tightener 緊鏈器
56710589 change point 變構點
56710590 change point mechanism 可變構機構
56710591 characteristic 特徵的
56710592 characteristic mode 固有模態(振動)
56710593 characteristic mode 特徵模態,固有模態(振動)
56710594 characteristic number 特徵數,示性數
56710595 Chebyshev minimax theorem Chebyshev極小極大原理
56710596 Chebyshev polynomial Chebyshev多項式
56710597 Chebyshev spacing of precision points 精確點之Chebyshev分佈
56710598 chordal action 弦線作用
56710599 chrome-tanned belt 鉻鞣製皮帶
56710600 chronometer escapement 精密時計擒縱器
56710601 circle
56710602 circle of curvature 曲率圓
56710603 circle point 圓周點
56710604 circle-point 圓周點
56710605 circle-point circle 圓周點圓
56710606 circle-point curve 圓周點曲線
56710607 circling-point curve 瞬時圓周點曲線
56710608 circular arc cam 圓弧確動凸輪
56710609 circular arc cam 圓弧凸輪
56710610 circular cubic 圓點三次曲線
56710611 circular curve 圓點曲線
56710612 circular motion 圓周運動
56710613 circular pitch 周節〔距〕
56710614 circular pitch 周節
56710615 circular point 圓點
56710616 circular quartic 圓點四次曲線
56710617 class
56710618 clearance 間隙,餘隙,底隙
56710619 clearance circle 底隙圓
56710620 clearance circle 底隙圓(齒輪)
56710621 click 掣子,扣夾
56710622 close joint chain 緊節鏈
56710623 close-loop control system 閉迴路控制系統
56710624 closed chain 閉鏈,封閉鏈
56710625 closed curve 閉曲線
56710626 closed curve 閉曲線,封閉曲線
56710627 closed kinematic chain 閉運動鏈,封閉運動鏈
56710628 closed spherical curve 球面閉曲線
56710629 closed-form solution 閉合解
56710630 closed-loop 閉迴路
56710631 closed-loop control 閉迴路控制
56710632 closed-loop control system 閉迴路控制系統
56710633 closed-loop harmonic response 閉迴路諧波響應
56710634 closed-loop harmonic response 控制比,閉迴路諧波響應
56710635 closure of a kinematic pair 運動對之閉合
總共 2085 筆,顯示第 251 到第 300 筆