
英文名稱 中文名稱
57710926 Chevron bone 人字形骨
57710927 Chiasmatic groove (or Optic groove (Sulcus of chiasma)) 視叉溝
57710928 Chief flexure (or Primary flexure) 原曲
57710929 Choanae (or Posterior nares; Posterior nasal orifice) 後鼻孔
57710930 Choledochal duct (or Bile duct; Gall duct) 膽管
57710931 Chondral ossification (or Endochondral ossification; Endochondral bone formation) (骨色)內骨化
57710932 Chondro-sternal articulation (骨色)胸關節
57710933 Chondro-xiphoid ligament (骨色)劍韌帶
57710934 Chondrocranium 軟顱
57710935 Chordal centrum 索形椎體【即板?類】
57710936 Chordocentrous vertebrae 索椎
57710937 Chorioid 脈絡膜
57710938 Chorioid gland 脈絡腺
57710939 Chorioid plexus 脈絡叢
57710940 Chorioid plexus of third ventricle 第三腦室脈絡叢
57710941 Chyle duct 乳糜管
57710942 Ciliary body 睫體
57710943 Ciliary border (or Ciliary margin) 睫緣
57710944 Ciliary branches 睫狀動脈
57710945 Ciliary disk; Ciliary ring 睫環
57710946 Ciliary ganglion 睫狀神經結【即眼神經節】
57710947 Ciliary margin; Ciliary border 睫緣
57710948 Ciliary muscle 睫狀肌
57710949 Ciliary nerve 睫神經
57710950 Ciliary part of retina 網膜睫部
57710951 Ciliary process 睫突
57710952 Ciliary ring (or Ciliary disk) 睫環
57710953 Ciliary zonule (or Suspensory ligament of the lens) 睫帶
57710954 Ciliform teeth 纖毛齒
57710955 Cingulum 環台
57710956 Circle of Willis 動脈環
57710957 Circular sinus 環狀【靜脈】竇
57710958 Circumanal gland 環肛腺
57710959 Circumduction 環動
57710960 Circumflex artery of scapula (骨專)迴旋動脈
57710961 Circumflex iliac artery 深胯迴旋動脈
57710962 Circumflex iliac vein 深胯迴旋靜脈
57710963 Circumflex nerve (or Axillary nerve) 腋神經
57710964 Circumvallate papilla (or Vallate papilla) 輪廓乳突
57710965 Clarke's column 背巢
57710966 Clasper 鰭腳【與Mixipterygium所指相同】
57710967 Clavicle (or Collar bone) 鎖骨
57710968 Clavobrachial muscle 鎖肱肌
57710969 Clavodeltoid muscle 鎖三角肌【即鎖肱肌】
57710970 Clavotrapezius muscle 鎖骨斜方肌【即前斜方肌】
57710971 Claw
57710972 Cleidomastoid muscle 鎖乳肌
57710973 Cleithrum 匙骨
57710974 Clitoris 陰蒂
57710975 Cloaca (or Cloacal chamber) 洩殖腔
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 1551 到第 1600 筆