
英文名稱 中文名稱
57712476 Ischio-urethral muscle 坐尿道肌
57712477 Ischiocavernous muscle 薦海綿肌
57712478 Ischiopubic bar 坐恥桿
57712479 Ischiopubic plate 坐恥板
57712480 Ischium 坐骨
57712481 Isopedin 緻密質
57712482 Isopedine layer (or Bony inner layer) 平列層
57712483 Isthmus (prostate) 攝護腺峽
57712484 Isthmus of fauces (or Pharyngeal isthmus) 咽峽
57712485 Isthmus of thyreoid gland 盾狀腺峽
57712486 Ivory 象牙【與 Dentine 兩名詞所指相同】
57712487 Ivy 胰腋
57712488 Jacobson nerve (or Jacobson's commissure) 賈氏連合
57712489 Jacobson's commissure (or Jacobson nerve) 賈氏連合
57712490 Jacobson's gland Jacobson腺
57712491 Jacobson's nerve (or Tympanic nerve) 鼓室神經
57712492 Jacobson's organ (or Vomero-nasal organ) 鋤鼻器
57712493 Jaw (or Maxillomandibular arch) 頜弧
57712494 Jaw-mouth 頜口
57712495 Jejuno-ileal lymph gland 空迴腸淋巴腺
57712496 Jejuno-ileum 空迴腸
57712497 Joint (or Articulation) 關節
57712498 Joint capsule (or Articular capsule) 關節囊
57712499 Joint cavity (or Articular cavity) 關節腔
57712500 Jugal 軛骨
57712501 Jugular foramen 頸靜脈孔
57712502 Jugular ganglion 頸靜腸神經結
57712503 Jugular lymph sac 頸淋巴囊
57712504 Jugular notch 頸切痕
57712505 Jugular plate (or Gular plate) 頸板
57712506 Jugular process 頸突【即副乳突】
57712507 Jugular vein 頸靜脈
57712508 Jugulares 咽位腹(糸耆)
57712509 Keel 龍骨
57712510 Kidney
57712511 Knee of the facial nerve 面神經膝
57712512 Knee-cap 膝蓋骨;髕
57712513 Knee-joint 膜關節
57712514 Labial cartilage 唇軟骨【即環形軟骨】
57712515 Labial gland 脣腺
57712516 Labial surface 脣面
57712517 Labial vein 脣靜脈
57712518 Labionasal cartilage 唇鼻軟骨
57712519 Labyrinth 迷路
57712520 Labyrinthine wall 迷路壁
57712521 Lacerated foramen 破裂孔
57712522 Lacrimal apparatus 淚器
57712523 Lacrimal artery 淚腺動脈
57712524 Lacrimal bone 淚骨
57712525 Lacrimal caruncle 淚阜
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 3101 到第 3150 筆