
英文名稱 中文名稱
57713126 Myocommata (or Myoseptum) 肌隔
57713127 Myodome (Eye-muscle canal) 眼肌溝
57713128 Myology 肌肉學
57713129 Myomere 肌節
57713130 Myoseptum 肌隔
57713131 Nail 指甲;趾甲
57713132 Nail body 爪體
57713133 Nail pud 爪褥
57713134 Nail root 爪根
57713135 Naris 鼻孔
57713136 Nasal angle of the eye (or Medial angle of the eye) 內眥
57713137 Nasal artery 鼻動脈
57713138 Nasal bone 鼻骨
57713139 Nasal capsule 鼻軟骨囊
57713140 Nasal cartilage 軟鼻骨
57713141 Nasal cavity 鼻腔【與 Nasal fossa 所指相同】
57713142 Nasal crest (Maxilla) 鼻脊
57713143 Nasal division 鼻部【咽之上部】
57713144 Nasal fossa 鼻窩【與 Nasal cavity 所指相同】
57713145 Nasal gland 鼻腺
57713146 Nasal horn 鼻角
57713147 Nasal horn-core 鼻角中軸
57713148 Nasal mucous membrane 鼻黏膜
57713149 Nasal muscle 鼻肌
57713150 Nasal process 鼻突
57713151 Nasal sac 鼻囊
57713152 Nasal septum 鼻隔
57713153 Nasal spine 鼻棘【即額棘】
57713154 Nasal surface 鼻面
57713155 Nasal suture 鼻縫
57713156 Nasal vein 鼻靜脈
57713157 Naso-frontal part 鼻額部
57713158 Naso-frontal suture 鼻額縫
57713159 Naso-hypophysial duct 鼻腦下腺管
57713160 Naso-labial gland 鼻脣腺
57713161 Naso-lacrimal orifice 鼻淚孔
57713162 Naso-lancrimal suture 鼻淚縫
57713163 Naso-maxillary notch 鼻頜切痕
57713164 Naso-pharyngeal duct 鼻咽道
57713165 Nasociliary nerve (or Palpebro-nasal nerve) 鼻睫神經
57713166 Nasolachrymal canal (or Nasolacrimal duct) 鼻淚管
57713167 Nasolacrimal canal 鼻淚管
57713168 Nasolacrimal duct 鼻淚道
57713169 Nasolacrimal duct (or Nasolachrymal canal) 鼻淚管
57713170 Nasomaxillar suture 鼻頜縫
57713171 Nasopalatine duct 鼻?管【即門齒管】
57713172 Nasoturbinal 鼻甲骨【即上鼻甲骨】
57713173 Navel (or Umbilicus)
57713174 Navicular bone 舟骨【即中央跗骨】
57713175 Navicular bursa 舟骨滑液囊
總共 6013 筆,顯示第 3751 到第 3800 筆