
英文名稱 中文名稱
57081763 spontaneous magnetization 自發磁化
57081764 spoon worms 匙蟲
57081765 spore reproduction 芽孢生殖
57081766 sporophyll 孢子葉
57081767 sporophyte 孢子體
57081768 Sporozoa 孢子蟲綱
57081769 spouting hot spring 熱噴泉
57081770 spreading 擴張
57081771 spreading axis 擴張軸
57081772 spreading center 擴張中心
57081773 spreading rate 擴張速率
57081774 spreading ridge 擴張脊
57081775 spreading rift 擴張裂谷
57081776 spring range 大潮差
57081777 spring rise 大潮升
57081778 spring tidal current 大潮潮流
57081779 spring tide 大潮
57081780 spud for anti-slip 抗滑錨柱
57081781 spud leg 錨柱腿
57081782 squalene [角]鯊烯
57081783 squamous 鱗片狀
57081784 squid-eater, teuthophagi 烏賊食者
57081785 squids 烏賊
57081786 Sr/Ca ratio 鍶–鈣比
57081787 stability 穩定性
57081788 stability against overturning 抗傾覆穩定性
57081789 stability against sliding 抗滑動穩定性
57081790 Stability condition 穩定條件
57081791 stability of remanent magnetization 殘磁穩定性
57081792 stabilizing selection 穩定[型]天擇
57081793 stable age distribution 穩定年齡分布
57081794 stable cycle 穩定周期
57081795 stable cycle with refugium 穩定周期且有庇護所
57081796 stable element 穩定元素
57081797 stable isotope 穩定同位素
57081798 stable isotope stratigraphy 穩定同位素地層學
57081799 stable isotopes 穩定同位素
57081800 stable isotopes in ocean 海洋穩定同位素
57081801 stack 1.海柱;2.重合;疊加
57081802 staggered grid 交錯網格
57081803 stagnant basin 停滯盆地
57081804 stagnant event 滯流事件
57081805 stagnant water 停滯水
57081806 stagnation 停滯
57081807 stalkers 潛進者
57081808 stand of tide 停潮
57081809 standard cell 標準電池
57081810 standard condition 標準狀態
57081811 standard deviation 標準差
57081812 standard electrode potential 標準電極電勢;標準電極電位
總共 10959 筆,顯示第 9451 到第 9500 筆