
英文名稱 中文名稱
57310970 speed of photographic plate 照相片感光速率
57310971 speed of response 響應速率
57310972 speed of sound 聲速
57310973 speed reducer 減速器
57310974 speed regulator 速率調節器
57310975 speedometer 速度計;里程計
57310976 speromagnetism 散磁性
57310977 sphalerite 閃鋅礦
57310978 sphenoid 半面晶形
57310979 sphere (一)球;(二)層;(三)範圍
57310980 sphere gap 球間隙
57310981 sphere of action 作用範圍
57310982 sphere of exclusion 排斥範圍
57310983 sphere reflection 反射球
57310984 spheric pendulum 球面擺
57310985 spherical aberration 球面像差
57310986 spherical albedo 球面反射率
57310987 spherical angle 弧[球面]角
57310988 spherical condensor 球形電容器
57310989 spherical coordinates 球[面]坐標
57310990 spherical harmonics 球諧函數
57310991 spherical joint 球形接合
57310992 spherical lens 球面透鏡
57310993 spherical mirror 球面鏡
57310994 spherical mirror cavity 球面鏡共振腔
57310995 spherical nucleus 球形核
57310996 spherical projection 球面投影
57310997 spherical radiation 球輻射
57310998 spherical refracting surface 球形折射面
57310999 spherical resonator 球形共振腔
57311000 spherical sector resonator 球瓣共振腔
57311001 spherical symmetry 球對稱
57311002 spherical wave 球面波
57311003 spherical-harmonic expansion 球諧函數展開
57311004 sphericized lattice cell 球形化晶胞
57311005 spherics 天電[學]
57311006 sphero-cylindrical lens 球柱面透鏡
57311007 spherochromatism 球色差
57311008 spherocrystal 球晶
57311009 spheroid 球形體
57311010 spheroidal aggregate 球狀聚集體
57311011 spheroidal state 球體態
57311012 spheroidal-core nuclear model 球體心核模型
57311013 spheroidization 球化
57311014 spherometer 球徑計
57311015 spherulite 球粒
57311016 spider-web coil 蛛網形線圈
57311017 spiegel (=spiegeleisen) 鏡鐵
57311018 spike 尖鋒
57311019 spillage 溢出量
總共 22140 筆,顯示第 18601 到第 18650 筆