
英文名稱 中文名稱
57312120 thorotungstite 釷鎢礦
57312121 thoruraninite 釷鈾礦
57312122 thought experiment 想像實驗
57312123 thread-like molecule 類螺紋分子
57312124 threading 穿過;切螺紋
57312125 three color printing 三色印刷
57312126 three dimensional diffraction 三維繞射
57312127 three jet 三噴注
57312128 three magnon scattering 三磁振子散射
57312129 three phase current motor 三相馬達
57312130 three primary colors 三原色
57312131 three stages of Bogoliubov 波戈留波夫三階段
57312132 three terminal net [work] 三端[電]網路
57312133 three-body collision 三體碰撞
57312134 three-body problem 三體問題
57312135 three-color tube 三色管
57312136 three-dimensional flow 三維流
57312137 three-dimensional motion 三維運動
57312138 three-five compound (III-V compound) 三五族化合物
57312139 three-kelvin radiation 3K [背景]輻射
57312140 three-level laser 三能階雷射
57312141 three-particle interaction 三粒子交互作用
57312142 three-phase alternating current 三相[交變]電流
57312143 three-phase rectifier 三相整流器
57312144 three-phase region 三相區
57312145 three-photon annihilation 三光子毀滅
57312146 three-photon decay 三光子衰變
57312147 three-point difference formula 三點端差公式
57312148 three-pole switch 三極開關
57312149 three-quantum annihilation 發射三量子毀滅
57312150 three-quantum decay 三量子衰變
57312151 three-spin model 三自旋模型
57312152 three-stage rocket 三節火箭
57312153 three-way stop-cock 三路管塞
57312154 threefold axis 三重軸
57312155 threefold axis of symmetry 三重對稱軸
57312156 threefold branch point 三重分支點
57312157 threefold coincidence 三重符合
57312158 threefold degeneracy (一)三重簡併性;(二)三重簡併度
57312159 threesider 三面形
57312160 threshold 底限;閾值
57312161 threshold branch cut 底限支切
57312162 threshold condition 閾值條件;底限條件
57312163 threshold current 閾值電流;低限電流
57312164 threshold effect 閾值效應;底限效應
57312165 threshold energy 閾值能;底限能
57312166 threshold frequency 閾值頻率;底限頻率
57312167 threshold law 底限定律
57312168 threshold level 底限層級
57312169 threshold neutron 底限能中子
總共 22140 筆,顯示第 19751 到第 19800 筆