
英文名稱 中文名稱
55790595 oakum ?絲
55790596 oaric 卵巢的
55790597 oarium,ovarium 卵巢
55790598 oat 燕麥
55790599 obcecation 不全盲,部分性盲
55790600 obdormition 麻木,無感覺
55790601 obduction 驗屍
55790602 obese 肥胖型
55790603 obesity 肥胖,肥胖病
55790604 obex 障棱(閂)
55790605 objective 接物鏡
55790606 obligatory 絕對的
55790607 obligatory aerobe 絕對嗜氣菌
55790608 obligatory anaerobe 絕對厭氣菌
55790609 obliterative inflammation 堵塞性發炎
55790610 oblongate 延髓
55790611 obnubilation 神志不清
55790612 obsolescence 衰敗,作廢不用
55790613 obstacle test (for blindness) 盲眼之障礙試驗
55790614 obstetric,obstetrical 產科的
55790615 obstipantia 止瀉藥
55790616 obstipation,constipation 便秘
55790617 obstruction 阻塞,梗塞
55790618 obstruction of intestine 腸阻塞
55790619 obstruction of oesophagus 食道梗塞
55790620 obstruction of pharynx 咽梗塞
55790621 obstruction of pylorus 幽門阻塞
55790622 obsturctive jaundice 阻塞性黃疽
55790623 obturating thrombus 填塞性血栓
55790624 obturator 閉鎖
55790625 obturator foramen 閉鎖孔
55790626 obturator membrane 閉膜,閉孔膜
55790627 obturator nerve 閉孔神經
55790628 obturator paralysis 閉孔神經麻痺
55790629 obtuse,blunt,dull 鈍的,愚鈍的
55790630 occipital 枕的
55790631 occipital bone 枕骨
55790632 occipital condyle 枕髁
55790633 occipital crest 枕脊
55790634 occipital protuberance,external 枕外隆凸
55790635 occipital sclerotome 生骨節,骨節
55790636 occipital sinus 枕竇
55790637 occipitalis 枕骨肌,後頭骨肌
55790638 occipital,internal 枕內隆凸
55790639 occipito-mastoid 枕骨與乳突的
55790640 occipito-temporal fissure 枕顳溝
55790641 occluding thrombus 閉塞性血栓
55790642 occlusal 阻塞的
55790643 occlusion 阻塞,咬合(齒),牙合
55790644 occlusion,abnormal 咬合異常(齒)
總共 24990 筆,顯示第 17251 到第 17300 筆