
英文名稱 中文名稱
55796745 tonic convulsion 緊張性搐搦
55796746 tonic spasm 強直性痙攣
55796747 tonicity 緊張性,緊張度,滲性(液體)
55796748 tonoclonic 強直性及陣痙性的
55796749 tonofibril 張力絲,張力原纖維
55796750 tonofilament 張力細絲
55796751 tonsil 扁桃腺
55796752 tonsillar sinus 扁桃竇
55796753 tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎
55796754 tonsil,lingual 舌扁桃腺
55796755 tonsil,palatine ?扁桃腺
55796756 tonsil,paraepigliottic 旁會厭扁桃腺
55796757 tonsil,pharyngeal 咽扁桃腺
55796758 tonsil,tubal 耳咽管扁桃腺,管狀扁桃腺
55796759 tonus 緊張,緊張度
55796760 tooth
55796761 top 頂端
55796762 top cross 頂交體
55796763 top crossing 頂交
55796764 top dressing 追肥
55796765 top side 牛後腿內側肉(澳)
55796766 top unloading unit 青貯料卸下機
55796767 topalgia 局部痛
55796768 topica,topical remedy 局部藥
55796769 topo-anesthesia 局部感覺麻木
55796770 topodysesthesia 局部感覺遲鈍
55796771 topographic anatomy 局部解剖學
55796772 topography 部位記載學,局部解剖學
55796773 toponarcosis 局部麻醉法
55796774 topoparesthesia 局部感覺異常
55796775 torsion 扭(撚)轉
55796776 torsion of abomasum 皺胃扭轉
55796777 torsion of caecum 盲腸扭轉
55796778 torsion of intestine 腸扭轉
55796779 torsion of liver 肝臟扭轉
55796780 torsion,stomach 胃扭轉
55796781 torsion,testis 睪丸扭轉
55796782 torticollis 斜頸,歪頸
55796783 tortoiseshell cat 龜殼色貓
55796784 Torula histolytica 新型隱球菌,莢膜串菌,溶組織串菌
55796785 torulosis 串菌病,串菌釀母菌病
55796786 torus 隆凸,托
55796787 torus pyloricus 幽門托
55796788 torus pyloxic 幽門圓凸,幽門隆凸
55796789 torus uteri 子宮隆凸
55796790 total body radiatior 全身放射治療
55796791 tourniquet 壓血帶,止血帶
55796792 tower silo 青貯塔
55796793 toxaemia,toxemia 毒血症
55796794 toxaemic jaundice 毒血症黃疽
總共 24990 筆,顯示第 23401 到第 23450 筆