
英文名稱 中文名稱
57592261 degree hours 溫度時數
57592262 degree of base saturation 鹼飽和度
57592263 degree of calcium saturation 鈣飽和度
57592264 degree of dominance 顯性程度
57592265 degree of fixation 固定程度
57592266 degree of freedom 自由度
57592267 degree of heritability 遺傳率程度
57592268 degree of maturity 成熟度
57592269 degree of photosensitivity 感光性程度
57592270 degree of plasmolysis 質離度
57592271 degree of spring habit 春播性程度
57592272 degree of terminalization (交叉)向末端移動程度
57592273 degree of thermosensitivity 感溫性程度
57592274 degree of winter habit 秋播性程度
57592275 degrowth 生長萎縮
57592276 Dehaasia cairocan (Vidal)Allen 蓮桂
57592277 dehiscence 裂開
57592278 dehiscent by lid 蓋裂
57592279 dehiscent fruit" 裂果
57592280 dehiscent papillae 裂開突起
57592281 dehiscent tube; exiting tube; 裂口管
57592282 dehydracetic acid 脫水醋酸
57592283 dehydrase; dehydrogenase 脫氫?;脫水?
57592284 dehydrate 脫水
57592285 dehydrated medium 脫水培養基
57592286 dehydrating agent 脫水劑
57592287 dehydration 脫水作用
57592288 dehydrogenase; dehydrase 脫氫?;脫水?
57592289 dehydrogenation 脫氫作用
57592290 dehydropeptidase 含有不飽和氨基酸的【月+生】的水解?
57592291 dehydropeptide 含有不飽和氨基酸的【月+生】
57592292 Deinanthe 銀梅草屬(虎耳草科)
57592293 Deinanthe bifida Maxim. 銀梅草屬(日本)
57592294 deinhibition 抑制解除
57592295 delamination 分層作用;層化作用
57592296 Delavaya 滇木瓜屬(無患子科);茶條木屬
57592297 Delavaya toxocarpa Franch 雞腰子果
57592298 Delavaya toxocarpa Franch 槙木瓜(陳嶸)
57592299 Delavaya yunnanensis Franch 茶條木;滇木瓜
57592300 delayed dominance 緩發顯性
57592301 delayed expression 延遲表現
57592302 delayed germination 延遲發芽
57592303 delayed inheritance (Boycott & Diver 1923) 延遲遺傳
57592304 delayed inhibition 延遲抑制
57592305 delayed mutation 緩發性突變
57592306 delayed reaction 延遲反應
57592307 delayed response test 延遲反應測驗
57592308 Delesseria 木葉海苔屬
57592309 Delesseria mildendorfii Rupr. 長葉海藻
57592310 Delesseria sinnosa (Good. et Woodw.) Lamx. 柏葉海藻
總共 42729 筆,顯示第 10751 到第 10800 筆