
英文名稱 中文名稱
57608811 nutrient cell 營養細胞
57608812 nutrient fluid 培養液
57608813 nutrient medium 培養基
57608814 nutrient requiring mutant 營基需求突變體
57608815 nutrient solution 培養液
57608816 nutrient substance 營養物質
57608817 nutritional exacting grade 營養必需度
57608818 nutritional factor 營養因素
57608819 nutritional requirement 營養需求性
57608820 nutritional type 營養型
57608821 nutritive cell 營養細胞
57608822 nutritive epeculiarity 營養特性
57608823 nutritive equilibrium 營養平衡
57608824 nutritive layer 營養層
57608825 nutritive material 營養物質
57608826 nutritive organ 營養器官
57608827 nutritive potential 營養潛力
57608828 nutritive root 營養根
57608829 nutritive salts 營養鹽類
57608830 nutritive stimulus 營養刺激
57608831 nutritive substance 營養物質
57608832 nutritive symbiosis 營養共生
57608833 nutritive tissue 營養組織
57608834 nutritive value 營養價
57608835 nutshell 堅果外殼
57608836 Nux vomica; Strychnos nux-vomica 馬錢子;番木鱉
57608837 Nyctaginaceae; four-o'clock family; Nyctagos 夜繁花科;紫茱莉科
57608838 Nyctagos; foru o'clock; Nyctaginaceae 夜繁花科;紫茱莉科
57608839 Nyctalis 臺閣蕈屬夜素馨屬(木樨科)
57608840 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L.; night jasmine; tree of sadness; tree of sadness; Indian moumer 就眠運動;睡眠運動
57608841 Nyctanthes; night jasmine 夜素馨;紅腳花
57608842 nyctinastic movement; sleep movement; nyctitropism 夜透性浮游生物
57608843 nyctinasty 向夜性
57608844 nyctipelagic plankton 感夜運動
57608845 nyctitropism 睡蓮屬
57608846 Nymphaea caerulea Sav.; blue lotus of Egypt 青花睡蓮
57608847 Nymphaea capensis Thunb.; Cape water-lily; Cape blue water-lily 好望角睡蓮
57608848 Nymphaea lotus L.; white lotus of Egypt 埃及白睡蓮
57608849 Nymphaea mexicana Zucc.; yellow water-lily; yellow Mexican water-lily 黃花睡蓮
57608850 Nymphaea odorata Ait.; sweet scented water-lily; american water-lily; fragrant water-lily 香睡蓮
57608851 Nymphaea rubra Roxb.; red Indian water-lily 紅花睡蓮
57608852 Nymphaea tetragona Georgi var. angusta Casp. subvar. orientalis Casp. 睡蓮;子午蓮
57608853 Nymphaea tuberosa Paine; magnolia water-lily 塊莖睡蓮
57608854 Nymphaea; Egypotian lotus; nymphea; pond-lily 白花睡蓮
57608855 Nymphaeales 睡蓮目
57608856 Nymphaeineae 睡蓮亞目
57608857 Nympheaceae; water-lily family 睡蓮科
57608858 Nymphoides indica O. Kuntze 金銀蓮花(草花譜)
57608859 Nymphoides peltatum Britt et Bend 荇菜(詩經);莕菜(唐本草);茆
57608860 Nyssa 蘭果樹屬;紫樹屬(珙桐科)
總共 42729 筆,顯示第 27301 到第 27350 筆