
英文名稱 中文名稱
57585261 Bacterium coli mutabile; Escherichia coli mutabile 易變性大腸菌
57585262 Bacterium coronafaciens Elliot; Pseudomonas coronafaciens(Elliot) Stapp; holo-blight of the barley and oat 大麥燕麥暈枯病菌
57585263 Bacterium erodii Lewis; Pseudomonas erodii Lewis;bacterial leaf spot of the Erodium 【牛+龍】牛兒斑葉性細菌病菌
57585264 Bacterium hibisci Nakata et Takimoto; Pseudomonas syringae van Hall; bacterial leaf spot of the Hibiscus root 黃蜀蔡斑點病菌
57585265 Bacterium maculicolum McCulloch; Pseudomonas maculicola (McCulloch) Stevens; becterial leaf spot of the rape 瑞典油菜黑玟病菌
57585266 Bacterium malvacearum Smith Xanthomonas malvacearum (Smith)Dowson; angular leaf spot or bacterial blight of the cotton 棉角斑病菌
57585267 Bacterium melleum Johnson; leaf spot of the tobacco 煙草黃色斑點病菌
57585268 Bacterium mori Boyer et Lambert; Pseudomonas mori (Boyer et Lambert) Stevens; bacterial blight of the mulberry 桑樹縮葉病菌
57585269 Bacterium moricorum Yendo et Higuti 桑樹立枯病菌
57585270 Bacterium nakatae Takimoto; Xamthomonas nakatae (Okabe) Dow;son B.nakatae Okabe 黃麻斑點病菌
57585271 Bacterium nicotianum Takimoto; bacterial leaf spot of the tobacco 煙草斑點病菌
57585272 Bacterium panaxi Takimoto; Pseudomonas panicis (N.et T) Dowson; soft rot of the Asiatic ginseng 人參飴色軟化病菌
57585273 Bacterium panicimiliacei Ikata et Yamauti; Xanthomonas panici (Elliot) Bergey et al.; bacterial stripe of the brown corn millet 黍條斑病菌
57585274 Bacterium papavericolum Bryan et Mcwhorter; Xanthomonas papavericolum (B.et W.) Dowson 罌粟斑點病菌
57585275 Bacterium papaveris Takimoto; Pseudomonas papaveris (Takimoto) Muko; soft rot of the garden poppy 罌粟腐敗病菌
57585276 Bacterium phormicolum Takimoto; Pseudomonas phormicolum Takimoto; bacterial disease of the New Zealand flax (or hernp) 新西蘭亞麻細菌病菌
57585277 Bacterium pisi (Sackett) E.F. Smith; Pseudomonas pisi Sackett; bacterial blight of the garden pea 豌豆蔓皮病菌
57585278 Bacterium pneumoniae Mig.; Friedlander`s bacillus 肺炎桿菌
57585279 Bacterium ricini Yoshii et Takimoto; Xanthomonas ricinicolum (Elliot) Dowson; bacterial leaf spot of the castor bean 蓖麻斑點病細菌
57585280 Bacterium rubrilineans (Lee.et al.) Elliot; Xanthomonas rubuilineans (Lee et al.) Starr et Burkholder; red streak of the sugar cane 甘蔗赤條病菌
57585281 Bacterium scabiegenum Faber; scab of the sugar beet 甜菜瘡痂病菌
57585282 Bacterium soja var. japonicum Takimoto; Pseudomonas glycineum var. japonicum (Takimoto) Savulescu; bacterial blight of the soybean 大豆斑點病菌
57585283 Bacterium solanacearum smith; Pseudonas solanacearum E.F.Smith 蓖麻立(青)枯病細菌;煙草立枯病菌;馬鈴薯立枯病菌;菜豆青枯病菌;落花生青枯病菌
57585284 Bacterium tobacum Wolf et Foster 煙草野火病菌
57585285 Bacterium tumefaciens Smith et Townsend; Agrobacterium tumefaciens (S.et.T.) Conn; Crown gall of the common hop 忽布根頭癌腫病菌
57585286 Bacterium viciav (Uyeda) Takimoto; Pseudomonas viciae Uyeda; bacterial leaf blihght of the broad bean 蠶豆葉病菌
57585287 bacteroide 擬桿菌
57585288 Bactris Jacq. 手杖椰子屬
57585289 Bactris mqjor Jacq. 手杖椰子
57585290 baech plants 海岸植物;海濱植物
57585291 Baeckea flutescens L. 榕花節(H.M.)桃金娘科
57585292 Baeomyces 仙人苔屬(地衣)
57585293 Baeomyces placophyllus Wnbg. 紅仙人苔
57585294 Baeomyces roseus Pers 仙人苔
57585295 Baeomycetaceae 仙人苔科(地衣)
57585296 bagging 套袋
57585297 bakanae-disease; Gibberella fujikoroi Wollenweber (稻)徒長病
57585298 baker`s yeast 麵包酵母
57585299 baking powder 發酵粉
57585300 balance 均衡
57585301 balance double heterozygote 均衡雙重異型合子
57585302 balance quotient 均衡率
57585303 balanced heterocaryon 均衡異核體
57585304 balanced hypothesis (正反選擇)均衡說
57585305 balanced lethals (Muller 1917) 均衡致死基因
57585306 balanced linkage 均衡連鎖
57585307 balanced load (Muller 1950) 均衡負載
57585308 balanced of nature 自然界均衡
57585309 balanced polymorphism (Ford 1940) 均衡多型性
57585310 balanced saline;physiological balanced solution 均衡(生理)鹽類溶液
總共 42729 筆,顯示第 3751 到第 3800 筆