
英文名稱 中文名稱
57058675 Wart; Warty growth; Fleshy excrescence; Carnosity; Proud flesh 疣; 肉贅; 肉贅生物
57058676 Warty cicatricial tumor 瘢痕疣樣腫瘤
57058677 Warty erysipelas; Verrucose erysipelas 疣性丹毒
57058678 Warty linear nevus; Lichenoid nevus; Ichthyosiform nevus 苔癬樣痣; 鱗狀痣; 乳頭狀痣; 線狀鱗?
57058679 Warty smallpox; Hornpox 疣狀天花
57058680 Wasp poisoning; Wasp sting poisoning 黃蜂中毒
57058681 Wasp-sting 黃蜂刺傷
57058682 Water-borne cholera 水媒霍亂
57058683 Water-borne infection; Infection through water 水傳染
57058684 Waterborne disease 水媒病
57058685 Watery itch; Lymphatic itch 淋巴性疥瘡
57058686 Waxy cyst 蠟樣囊腫
57058687 Waxy infiltration 蠟質浸潤
57058688 Weak-point fracture 弱點骨折
57058689 Web-eye 翼狀?肉; 結合膜翼狀?肉
57058690 Webbed finger-tips 併指端(畸形)
57058691 Webbed penis 陰囊陰莖黏連(畸形)
57058692 Wedgeshaped head; Sphenocephalic monster 楔形頭畸胎
57058693 Well gas poisoning 井泉氣中毒
57058694 Wet beriberi; Dropsical beriberi 溼性腳氣; 浮腫性腳氣
57058695 Whipworm disease; Trichocephalic disease 鞭蟲病
57058696 White dysentery; Mycodysentery 白痢; 黏液痢
57058697 White lead poisoning 鉛白中毒
57058698 White leprosy; Leprous vitiligo 白麻風; 白斑麻風
57058699 White mycetoma 白色足菌病
57058700 White pox; Amaas; Para-smallpox; Milkpox; Glasspox; Kaffirpox; Cuban itch; Philippine itch; Samoa pox; White pocks; Sanaga pox; Pseudosmallpox; Cuba itch 乳白痘; 小痘變痘; 小痘
57058701 White ringworm 白癬
57058702 White sponge nevus of the mucosa 黏膜白色海綿狀痣
57058703 White spongioma; White fungous growth 白海綿腫
57058704 White stria after pregnancy 妊娠瘢痕; 妊娠白線
57058705 White swelling 白腫
57058706 White swelling; Articular fungus 關節海綿腫; 白腫; 海綿腫關節炎
57058707 Whooping-cough; Hooping-cough; Chin-cough; Kink-host 百日咳; 天哮嗆; 哮咳; 痙咳; 窒息咳; 獸音咳
57058708 Wind-contusion; Windage 飛彈拂傷
57058709 Winter cholera 冬季霍亂
57058710 Wolffian cyst Wolff氏管囊腫
57058711 Wollsorter's disease; Rag-sorter's disease; Rag-picker's disease; Pulmonary anthrax 肺炭疽; 毛工病; 襤褸病
57058712 Worm-tumor 蠕蟲腫
57058713 Wormwood poisoning 苦艾中毒
57058714 Wound 創傷; 傷口
57058715 Wound by cut; Wound by stroke 鞭創; 抽創
57058716 Wound by electricity 電創
57058717 Wound cavity 傷口腔洞
57058718 Wound diphthery; Surgical diphthery 創傷白喉; 外科白喉
57058719 Wound from chisel 鑿創
57058720 Wound from supping; Wound from scarification 劃破刺傷
57058721 Wound of a section 串線樣彈創
57058722 Wound of abdomen; Abdominal wound 腹部刺傷
57058723 Wound of bladder 膀胱創傷
57058724 Wound of bone; Bone wound 骨創傷; 骨創
總共 7307 筆,顯示第 7201 到第 7250 筆