
英文名稱 中文名稱
57051775 Amyloid infiltration 擬澱粉浸潤
57051776 Amyotrophic spinal syphilis 肌萎縮性脊髓梅毒
57051777 Anacatadidymous teratism 中腰聯胎; 中部聯胎
57051778 Anadidymous teratism 單上身聯胎; (雙下身畸胎)
57051779 Anal atresia; Imperforate anus; Atretoprocty; Proctatresy 肛門閉鎖(畸形); 鎖肛
57051780 Anal cancer; Cancer of anus 肛門癌
57051781 Anal chancroid 肛門?下疳
57051782 Anal condyloma 肛門濕疣
57051783 Anal crack 肛門皸裂
57051784 Anal cystoma 肛門囊瘤
57051785 Anal fissure 裂肛(畸形)
57051786 Anal fissure; Anal tear; Allingham's painful ulcer 肛門裂(創)
57051787 Anal gonorrhea 肛門淋病
57051788 Anal polypus 肛門息肉
57051789 Anal scirrhus 肛門硬癌
57051790 Anal tuberculosis 肛門結核
57051791 Anal tumor 肛門腫瘤
57051792 Anamel cystadenoma 牙釉質囊腺瘤
57051793 Anandry 男徵缺失
57051794 Anangioplasy; Anangioplasm; Imperfect vascular development 血管發育不全
57051795 Anasomatic monstrosity 肢軀黏?畸形
57051796 Anatomical wart; Postmortem wart; Necrogenic wart; Postmortem tubercle; Anatomic tubercle; Dissection tubercle; Dissecting-porter's wart; Warty tubercle 屍毒疣; 解剖疣; 疣性結核; 屍原結核
57051797 Ance keloid 痤瘡瘢痕瘤; 髮部乳頭狀皮炎
57051798 Andes disease; Monge's disease Andes山病; Monge氏病
57051799 Androgyny; Androgynism; Androgyneity 男性女子
57051800 Andrology 男科學
57051801 Andropathy 男子病
57051802 Androphany; Virilism 女子男徵
57051803 Androsymphysy 男聯胎
57051804 Anelytry; Absence of vagina 無陰道(畸形)
57051805 Anemic scurvy 貧血壞血病
57051806 Anemone poisoning; Anemonism 白頭翁中毒
57051807 Anencephalic monster 無腦畸胎
57051808 Anencephaly; Absence of brain 無腦(畸形)
57051809 Anesthetic leprosy; Danielssen's disease; Celsus vitiligo 麻木性麻風; 麻木性象皮病; Danielssen氏病
57051810 Anesthetic skin-disease; Esthesiodermia 麻木性皮病
57051811 Aneurysmal diathesis 動脈瘤素質
57051812 Aneurysmatic goiter 動脈瘤性甲狀腺腫; 搏動性甲狀腺腫
57051813 Angibromic adenia 消化系淋巴腺腫
57051814 Anginous disposition 咽峽炎素因
57051815 Angioblastic meningioma 腦膜血管胚細胞瘤
57051816 Angiobromic adenopathy; Angiobromic adenias 消化道腺病
57051817 Angiocardiopathy 血管心病
57051818 Angiolith; Vascular calculus 血管石
57051819 Angiolithic sarcoma; Psammomatous sarcoma 血管結石性肉瘤; 砂肉瘤
57051820 Angiology 血管學
57051821 Angiomatous chondroma 血管軟骨瘤
57051822 Angiomatous elephantiasis 血管瘤象皮病; 血管象皮病
57051823 Angiomatous myosarcoma 血管肌肉瘤
57051824 Angiomatous polypus; Vascular polypus 血管息肉; 血管瘤性息肉
總共 7307 筆,顯示第 301 到第 350 筆