
英文名稱 中文名稱
57055325 Macula of palpebral fissure 臉裂斑
57055326 Macular eruption 斑疹
57055327 Macular leprosy 斑點麻風
57055328 Macular lupus 斑點狼瘡
57055329 Macular ringworm of scalp; Macular trichophytia 斑形禿髮癬
57055330 Macular syphilide; Syphilitic roseola; Erythematous syphilide 斑點梅毒疹; 梅毒斑; 梅毒風疹; 梅毒紅斑
57055331 Maculoanesthetic leprosy 麻木性斑點麻風
57055332 Maculopapular syphilide 斑丘疹梅毒疹
57055333 Madelung's fat-neck 頸部對稱性脂瘤病; Madelung氏脂頸
57055334 Madura foot; Fungus foot (of india); Ballingal's disease; Actinomycosis of foot 鏈絲菌足腫病; 重症潰瘍; 假放線菌病
57055335 Maggots disease; Larvae disease 蠅蛆病
57055336 Maize poisoning; Zeism 玉蜀黍中毒
57055337 Malacic chondrodystrophy 軟化性軟骨榮養障礙
57055338 Malarial cachexia; Paludal cachexia; Chronic malaria; Limnemia 瘧疾惡病質
57055339 Malarial dysentery 瘧疾性痢疾
57055340 Malarial eruption; Paludide 瘧疹
57055341 Malarial fever; Intermittent fever; Periodic fever; Ague; Algid fever; Congestive fever; Paludal fever; Paludism; Marsh fever; Miasmatic fever; Vernal fever; Swamp fever; Cameroon fever; Chills and fever 瘧; 瘧疾; 瘧熱; 冷熱; 間歇熱; 熱狂; 熱譫妄
57055342 Malarial granuloma 瘧疾肉芽腫
57055343 Malarial splenomegaly 瘧疾脾增大
57055344 Malariology 瘧學
57055345 Maldevelopment of ovary 卵巢發育停頓
57055346 Male fern poisoning 綿馬中毒
57055347 Male hermaphrodism 男性兩性畸形
57055348 Malformation 畸形
57055349 Malformation by defect 缺損畸形
57055350 Malformation by perversion; Heteromorphous teratism 變形畸形; 形態異常性畸形
57055351 Malformation of internal organ 內臟畸形
57055352 Malformation of lower limb 下肢畸形
57055353 Malformation of upper limb 上肢畸形
57055354 Malignant adenoma 惡性腺瘤; 腺癌
57055355 Malignant alopecia 惡性脫髮
57055356 Malignant anthrax 惡性炭疽; 炭疽膿皰
57055357 Malignant chorionepithelioma; Malignant syncytioma 惡性絨毛膜上皮瘤; 惡性蛻膜瘤; 惡性融合細胞瘤; 蛻膜細胞肉瘤
57055358 Malignant diophthery; Septic diphthery 惡性白喉; 膿毒性白喉; 壞疽性白喉
57055359 Malignant dysentery 惡性痢疾
57055360 Malignant epithelioma 惡性上皮瘤; 上皮細胞瘤
57055361 Malignant epulis; Giant-cell sarcoma of jaw 大細胞性頜肉瘤; 惡性齦瘤
57055362 Malignant erysipelas 惡性丹毒
57055363 Malignant exostosis 惡性外生骨贅
57055364 Malignant exostosis 惡性外生骨瘤
57055365 Malignant glioma 惡性神經膠瘤
57055366 Malignant goiter; Cancerous goiter; Carcinomatous goiter 惡性甲狀腺腫; 癌性甲狀腺腫
57055367 Malignant granuloma; Malignant lymphoma; Hodgkin's granuloma; Hodgkin's disease; Paltauf-Sternberg's disease; Granulomatous lymphomatosis; Lymphatic anemia; Lymphatic cachexia; Diffuse lymphomatosis; Megalokaryoblastic tumor 惡性肉芽腫; 淋巴肉芽腫病; 肉芽淋巴腫; 惡性淋巴腺瘤; 肉瘤淋巴瘤; 脾腫性惡病質; Hodgkin氏病; Paltauf-Sternderg氏病; 惡性淋巴腫; 淋巴性貧血; 淋巴性惡病質; 瀰漫性淋巴瘤病; 大核胚細胞瘤
57055368 Malignant hypernephroma 惡性腎上體瘤
57055369 Malignant multiple granuloma 惡性多發肉芽腫
57055370 Malignant multiple lymphosarcoma 惡性多發淋巴肉瘤; 淋巴腺瘤
57055371 Malignant myeloid sarcoma; Giant cell tumor of bone; Osteoclastic tumor 破骨細胞瘤; 惡性髓樣肉瘤
57055372 Malignant myoma 惡性肌瘤
57055373 Malignant myxoma 惡性黏液瘤
57055374 Malignant neuroma 惡性神經瘤
總共 7307 筆,顯示第 3851 到第 3900 筆