
英文名稱 中文名稱
57284776 stochastic variation 隨機變異
57284777 storage 儲存
57284778 straight-line flow 直線流(程)
57284779 straight-line method 直線法
57284780 strategic control system 策略控制系統
57284781 strategic planning 策略計劃
57284782 strategy control 策略控制
57284783 stratification 階層化
57284784 stratified sampling 分層抽樣
57284785 stream of consciousness 意識流
57284786 stream of thought 思想流
57284787 stress variable 應力變數
57284788 Strong Vocational Interest Blank 史氏職業興趣量表
57284789 structural analysis 結構分析
57284790 structure 結構
57284791 structure flowchart 結構流程圖
57284792 structure of knowledge 知識結構
57284793 structure process model 結構歷程模式
57284794 structure table 結構表
57284795 structure-of-intellect model (SOI) 智慧結構模式
57284796 structured objective 結構性目標
57284797 structured tutoring 結構性個別指導
57284798 student ability 學生能力
57284799 student activities 學生活動
57284800 student activities inventory 學生活動量表
57284801 student adjustment 學生適應
57284802 Student Affective Behavior Checklist 學生情意行為檢核表
57284803 student alienation 學生疏離
57284804 student aspiration 學生抱負
57284805 student attitude 學生態度
57284806 Student Attitude and Methods Survey 學生態度和方法調查(表)
57284807 student attitude inventory 學生態度量表
57284808 student behavior 學生行為
57284809 student behavior index 學生行為指標
57284810 student belief rating scale 學生信念評定量表
57284811 student characteristics 學生特性
57284812 student costs 學生成本
57284813 student crisis index 學生危機指標
57284814 student educational attitude scale 學生教育態度
57284815 student enrollment 學生註冊人數
57284816 student evaluation 學生評量
57284817 student evaluation form (SEF) 學生評量表
57284818 student evaluation of teaching 學生評鑑教學
57284819 student exchange program 學生交換計畫
57284820 student experience 學生經驗
57284821 student feedback 學生回餽
57284822 student grouping 學生分組
57284823 student leadership 學生領導(才能,能力)
57284824 student learning contract 學生學習契約
57284825 student loan program 學生貸款計畫
總共 5289 筆,顯示第 4601 到第 4650 筆