
英文名稱 中文名稱
57285026 teacher recruitment 教師甄選
57285027 teacher responsibility 教師責任
57285028 teacher right 教師權
57285029 teacher role 教師角色
57285030 teacher seminar 教師書報討論
57285031 teacher shortage 教師缺額
57285032 teacher sourcebook 教師資源手冊
57285033 teacher stereotype 教師刻板印象
57285034 teacher supervision 教師視導
57285035 teacher supply and demand 教師供需
57285036 teacher tenure law 教師任期法規
57285037 teacher training 教師訓練
57285038 teacher welfare 教師福利
57285039 teacher workshop 教師研討會
57285040 teacher-pupil relationship scale 師生關係量表
57285041 teacher-student relationship 師生關係
57285042 teachers college 師範學院
57285043 teaching 教學
57285044 teaching aids 教具
57285045 teaching assessment blank (TAB) 教學評估表
57285046 teaching assistant 助教,教學助理
57285047 teaching benefit 教學利益
57285048 teaching center 教學中心
57285049 teaching condition 教學條件
57285050 teaching experience 教學經驗
57285051 teaching guide 教學指引
57285052 teaching laboratory 教學實驗室
57285053 teaching load 教學負荷
57285054 teaching machine 教學機
57285055 teaching manual 教學手冊
57285056 teaching material 教材,教學資料
57285057 teaching method 教學法
57285058 teaching model 教學模式
57285059 teaching module 教學模組,教學組合單元
57285060 teaching perfermance test 教學績效測驗
57285061 teaching procedure 教學程序
57285062 teaching program 教學方案
57285063 teaching quality 教學品質
57285064 teaching research 教學研究
57285065 teaching skill 教學技能
57285066 teaching style 教學風格,教學型式
57285067 teaching team 教學團
57285068 teaching technique 教學技術
57285069 team approach 協同研究途徑(方法)
57285070 team project 集體專案研究
57285071 team teaching 協同教學
57285072 technical adviser 技術顧問
57285073 technical and vocational education 技職教育
57285074 technical assistance 技術協助
57285075 technical drawing 工業製圖
總共 5289 筆,顯示第 4851 到第 4900 筆